Rasanya pas banget di lidah , semua varian luar biasa n cocok di lidah. Ada rasa ada harga, tidak menyesal makan pie nya. Lokasi strategis ada delivery. Tokonya bersih n pelayanannya bagus. Pengen pie selalu ingat alpen apple pie
Menu yang dipesan: Rainbow, royal, hearty pie, Buko pie
Tanggal kunjungan: 31 Mei 2015 Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Kebetulan saya lewatin Alpen Apple Pie ini sepulang kerja, berhubung penasaran akhirnya saya mampir beli untuk orang-orang di rumah. Setelah bingung mau beli rasa apa, jadi pesan yang Alpen Rainbow 12pcs dalam berbagai rasa. Semua rasa pienya enak, manisnya pas, kulit dan teksturnya juga empuk enak gitu. Tapi tetep favorit say apple pienya :9.
Menu yang dipesan: Apple Pie
Tanggal kunjungan: 22 Juni 2014 Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
I ordered a blueberry pie M size for take-away. The pie was undercooked (see photo attached). I called the store, and sent picture and video through Whatsapp. The staff agreed that it was undercooked and that they can exchange it within 24 hours. I said my driver is off tomorrow so I cannot go back there tomorrow. I suggested the day after tomorrow. They said no. I said please feel free to tell your staff to come to my house. They keep saying Mohon Maaf but always a No answer.
I asked to speak to the manager and the staff said the manager is not there and has been unreachable for a while.
It was not my fault that the pie was undercooked and not edible. Businesses should take responsibility and own their mistakes. Very VERY disappointed at this place!!
Menu yang dipesan: blueberry pie
Tanggal kunjungan: 05 Januari 2018 Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000