Review Pelanggan untuk Ayam Geprek Emak

Ayam Geprek Emak @geprekemak_id

oleh Foodinhands Community IG : @foodinhands, 14 Februari 2018 (6 tahun yang lalu)

Foto Makanan di Ayam Geprek Emak

Ayam Geprek Emak Sambal Matah from @geprekemak_id

Foto Makanan di Ayam Geprek Emak

Ayam Geprek Original from @geprekemak_id

Ayam Geprek Emak Sambal Matah from @geprekemak_id
Price: IDR 22.500-25.000
Sambal Matah served with Ayam Geprek. Indonesian style food! Must become everyone’s favorite. The sambal matah is quite nice and spicy.

Ayam Geprek Original from @geprekemak_id
Price: IDR 22.500-25.000
Geprek Original offer spicyness level from 1 to 5. The spiciness is definitely addicting. The price and the taste is all worth it. Geprek Emak have several branches. Check out @geprekemak_id 

Ayam Geprek Keju from @geprekemak_id
Price: IDR 29.000-32.000
Not like the ordinary ayam geprek, Geprek Emak offers a good 'ayam geprek olahan ala emak'. The bones are still there, but the chicken is already cut for you so it is easier to be eaten. And just like the name, it tastes like homemade mom's cook. They also offer spicyness level from 1 to 5.

Foto lainnya:

Foto Makanan di Ayam Geprek Emak

Menu yang dipesan: Ayam Geprek Emak Sambal Matah from @geprekemak_id, Ayam Geprek Original from @geprekemak_id, Ayam Geprek Keju from @geprekemak_id

Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000

Makasih Infonya!


Ayam Geprek Emak


Kantin Gang Macan
Jl. Gang Macan Blok B5 No. 7, Green Ville, Jakarta Barat

Rata-rata: 3.6


Foto Profil Foodinhands Community IG  : @foodinhands

Alfa 2018

95 Review

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