Review Pelanggan untuk Joe & Dough
24 hours Short Ribs
oleh Cowo Happy , 02 Desember 2018 (sekitar 6 tahun yang lalu)
2 pembaca berterima kasih
Favorit aku rice bowl with short ribs, daging nya empuk, juicy dan bumbu nya enak. Selain itu ada telur setengah matang dan tomat ceri.
PB&J Cruffin
Ini enak banget, perpaduan antara peanut butter dan selai strawberry yummyy. Croissany nya berlapis lapis dan harum. ALWAYS A ROOM FOR DESSERT
Meringue Croissant
What a lovely croissant with a meringue swirl on top. So pretty and good to be eaten.
Creative cookie cup that can be eaten with a coffee inside, the cookie cup are coated with dark chocolate, so it help to prevent the coffee leaks from the cup. Even though the cookie quite hard to bite, somehow it was pretty good to my taste, especially when i dip the marshmallow into the coffee, it melts, chewy and sweet
A warm tea with a cute tea pot set, smells good and warming my tummy after eat a lot of good food anf help a bloated belly.
a refreshing drink with black current that is so lovely, sweet, with a fresh cut of strawberries.
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Menu yang dipesan: Cookie Dough, PB&J Cruffin
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000