Review Pelanggan untuk Steak Hotel by Holycow!

Abit messy stuff?

oleh umgracias, 18 September 2018 (6 tahun yang lalu)

Foto Makanan di Steak Hotel by Holycow!
*Review di lokasi lama.

Tuesday afternoon, I went to holycow Teras Benhil.and then i ordered the steak like always. I know if steak holycow has 2 types. One is steak by hotel, 2nd is steak bu chef atit.
Waiter asked me for my steak, so i told her medium well,but when came out,medium rare. And then the spinach already finished so i didnt have choices to accept the long bean. But the stem still there. And also the mash potatoes, they even put skin and mixed it together. The mushroom sauce,mushroom cutted still big.

Menu yang dipesan: Coke, buddy’sTD steak, Ice Lemon Tea, buddy’s special, holychicken steak, Sausage Platter

Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000

Makasih Infonya!


Steak Hotel by Holycow!


Jl. Bendungan Hilir Gg. IV No. 22, Bendungan Hilir, Jakarta Pusat

Rata-rata: 4.0


Foto Profil umgracias

16 Review

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