Review Pelanggan untuk Depot Se'i Babi Aroma
Goodness on a Plate
oleh Jason Pirelli Tandean (IG: @jasontandean), 13 September 2020 (4 tahun yang lalu)
Se'i Babi Aroma. In short it's smoked pork with condiments, served with steamed rice. Tastes like smoky bacon, smeared with Sambal Matah/chopped and shredded chilli+shallots with veg oil and salt, delish.
I can't find a proper geotag for this place, the closest one being PHD Mulyosari. The outlet's address is Jalan Raya Mulyosari 378, Surabaya.
I had this meal after my long drive home from Jogja. Just what I needed back then, porky smoky savoury goodness with chilli sauce and stir fried cassava leaves for fiber intake. There's a bowl of soup as well to soften all those spoonful of divine flavour to help your throat to gulp them. Soup tastes savoury, again, with soggy pork skin cracker on top of it (which tastes good, try it). Nothing really special about this meal, however the non-speciality thing about this dish is what make it special. (Or maybe the person who I had it with? God only knows)
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Menu yang dipesan: Finished!, Nasi Se'i Babi Sambal Matah
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000