4.6Plataran [ Menteng, Indonesia ]
Indonesian Heritage Fine Dining
This Indonesian fine-dining establishment offers an upscale dining experience while preserving the authenticity of the dishes. Really enjoyed the beautiful ambience surrounded by antique furnitures, airy rooms, and excellent service. A waitress even offerred to help bring my handbag on the way to my table.
🥗 Pindang Serani
Originally a humble home-cooking dish from the northern coast of Central Java, elevated to a fine-dining dish with the use of salmon instead of milkfish. The slightly sour and spicy broth perfectly cut the fatty salmon.
🥗 Udang Gandum
The oatmeal prawn came in its original form as if nothing special in there. But try to dig-in and you will taste the fresh and succulent prawn, nothing came overcooked, contrasting with crunchy savory salty oatmeal with some kicks of crispy fried curry leaves. So rather than fusionize or giving some twists, they altered the dish by cooking it to perfection. Such an elegant way to elevate a dish while staying true to authenticity.
🥗 Kerabu Pucuk Polong
I chose this dish because it has quite a peculiar name. First, the use of 'kerabu', a Malaysian term for 'salad' instead of the more Indonesian urap or ulam. Second, I wondered what pucuk polong was, which turned out to be kecipir aka wing bean aka kacang botol (so-called in Malaysia). I've heard several other names but never 'pucuk polong'.
Anyway, the final verdict has to be based on the taste instead of name. The overall dish tasted slightly sweet from the toasted coconut mix base. A slight fragrance came from ginger flower or kecombrang, a touch of freshness from squeezed lime and just enough heat from the chili. I faintly tasted terasi or belacan in the background. The addition of shrimp and soft boiled egg as protein added a 'body' to the whole dish.Menu yang dipesan: kerabu pucuk polong, pindang serani salmon, udang gandum
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.3 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.4Pigeonhole Coffee [ Menteng, Kafe ]
Cozy corner with good coffee
Located inside the Shophaus building, everything about this small cozy place was just wonderful. Designed as a common dining place, you could choose where you wanted to sit and enjoy your coffee. Whether in the cool airy shop-front seats, tucked inside the coffeeshop itself, the outdoor smoking area, or in the cute corners of next-door gelateria.
The very two factors that defined an affogato are coffee and ice cream. Pigeonhole managed to hit those two. Nicely brewed coffee over good quality ice cream (my wild guess, the ice cream came from the neighboring gelato secrets which has superb quality and taste).
Warm frothy milk topped with cute pink marshmallows. Too bad the milk wasn't warm enough to melt the marshmallows. I expected them to melt away and gave sweetness to the plain vanilla milk, like what they usually did to hot chocolate.
Two kinds of croissants: butter and kit kat
Buttery and flaky. I think these two words are enough to describe what good croissants tastes like. Kit kat filling was predictably tasty. A slightly melted kit kat stuffed in slit croissant then dipped in melted chocolate. But the butter surprised me when I sliced the middle part and there came oozing melting sweet butter filling. But without salted egg 😜 this was kinda "salted-egg croissants inspired" filling but it's just sweet melted butter there.
Cozy place, good coffee plus.. tasty flaky croissants. What more can you ask for? A good conversation partner, I guess 😁Menu yang dipesan: kit kat croissant, Butter Croissant, Babycinno, Affogato
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.2Mockingbird [ Menteng, Barat ]
Cute place, so so food
Went here because I wanted to see how Shophaus looks like. And apparently this is the only place in Shophaus for a proper 'heavy' lunch.
The place was quite impressive. Lovely space setting with airy high ceiling which I love. Very cozy indeed.
But sadly, not so with the food. Tried:
Wagyu Salad
Pretty good combination of grilled wagyu, crunchy green apple, pear, seeds and greens. But the spicy parmesan chips were only there as a small garnish and hardly added any taste to the whole dish. There was another downside of the balsamic dressing being too sharp and tangy for my liking.
Mushroom Pie
This so-called "pie" came up more like zuppa soup. It was actually very tasty. I could taste truffle in there as well. But the consistency of the filling was very soupy. When I ordered 'pie', I expected the filling to be more hearty and dense.
Lamb Lollipop
I didn't know what happened with the seasoning, the lamb was just too salty, though still edible. The pesto that was supposed to be complementing the rich fatty lamb tasted incredibly sharp to the point of overpowering the whole dish. I had to discard most of the pestos and went with just a tiny spread of it. Mashed potatoes and sauteéd mushrooms was good. But those weren't the point of ordering lamb lollipop right?
Too bad, this lovely cozy place didn't serve the same impression on their food. With that kind of taste, I felt their food was kinda overpriced and overrated with that 'fine dining' claim.Menu yang dipesan: Lamb Lollipop 350GR, wagyu salad, Baked Pot Pie Creamy Mushroom Filling And Micro Greens Salad
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.4Maison du GIOI [ Senopati, Barat,Indonesia ]
Tasty Food, Lovely Place, But I'm Not Coming Back.. Why?
Penasaran sama resto ini karena review nya nggak ada yang jelek. Jadi datanglah saya berdua teman di suatu siang yang crowded.
Saya punya mixed feeling buat tempat ini. Walaupun makanannya enak, tempatnya bagus, tapi nggak memorable dan nggak pengen kembali lagi. Kemungkinan memang dasar saya yang bawel atau lagi hobi jadi "devil's advocate".
Ada tiga menu yang saya pesan untuk sharing berdua. Minuman tidak saya review karena standar aja pesan Ice Tea.
1. Sate Lilit
Menu pertama yang keluar sebagai appetizer. Ini namanya kesan pertama begitu menggoda. Dagingnya masih juicy dan ada semburat rasa manis. Thanks to batang tebu yang difungsikan sebagai tusuk sate. Habis dagingnya, batangnya pun digigit-gigit manis, enak.
2. Lodeh Salmon
Menu yang banyak di-rave para food blogger dan food reviewer. Enak, enak, katanya. Menurut saya.. enak sih. Tapi.. standar. Konsepnya cuma sayur lodeh biasa ditumpukin seared salmon. Kuah lodehnya agak keluar dari pakem, bumbunya merah. Dimakan sama salmon, berasa lebih ke arah 'mangut' bukan lodeh. Eh btw, ada yang tau nggak mangut itu makanan apaan? 😁 Enak, tapi nggak ada 'twist' yang special selain topping salmon. 'Twist' ini penting buat saya, mengingat resto ini mengangkat menu 'indonesian fusion'. Tapi kan lucu lodeh bisa match sama salmon? Secara tradisional, lodeh memang jodohnya lauk ikan goreng. Mau ikan impor atau lokal, ya bakal cocok. Sudah, gitu aja.
3. Crispy Duck
Sesuai namanya, bebeknya crispy. Tapi dagingnya empuk dan gampang dipotong. Bebek goreng gaya Bali. Nasinya juga unik. Berasa wangi daun jeruk dan gurih dari.. tempe atau oncom? Soalnya kalau oncom nggak terlalu tajam juga rasanya. Dicampur gaya urap dengan fresh veggies. Sambalnya so-so aja tapi nggak mengganggu keseluruhan makanan. Top notch!
Tempatnya cantik. Terlalu cantik untuk konsep makanan Indonesia yang porsinya besar, bumbunya nggak basa-basi, bersantan pula. Maksudnya begini. Dengan tempat secantik itu, pengunjung yang datang (atau cuma saya?) biasanya siap dandan cantik, pakai heels, full make up. Ekspektasi saya duduk cantik, makan cantik, tetep wangi, dan lipstick nggak rusak kena minyak. Tapi yang datang makanan dengan porsi dan taste untuk orang 'niat makan'. Lengkap dengan kebutuhan untuk melibatkan jari-jari tangan dalam proses makan. Jagung bersantan di sayur lodeh yang cuma dibelah dua, crispy duck dan sate lilit yang enaknya dipegang tangan cukup mengganggu ekspektasi 'makan cantik' saya.
Ruangan yang cantik dan serba tertutup ala fine dining juga punya masalah lain. Bau. Karena rata-rata menunya berbumbu dan beraroma cukup kuat, ketika ruangan crowded penuh pengunjung, baunya jadi bercampur di dalam ruangan. Sedikit mengganggu, menurut saya.
Intinya, makanan enak, tempatnya cantik. Tapi nggak nyambung. Worth to try buat yang penasaran atau mau coba tempat makan baru. But I'm not coming backMenu yang dipesan: lodeh salmon, crispy duck, Sate Lilit
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.3 pembaca berterima kasih.