Foto Profil Hendrik Yong

Hendrik Yong

1 Review | 0 Makasih
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Urutkan berdasarkan: Tanggal
  • 4.4  
    La Kwok [ Dukuh Pakis, China ]

    Authentic Sichuan Food

    One of the most authentic Sichuan in Surabaya, delicious , spicy that make you wanna eat more and more.. cozy and nice atmosphere like at home... price are reasonable to make you satisfied 

    Menu yang dipesan: malaxiangguo, Laziji, huiguorou, laguo chao fan, Laguo chaofan, Hui Guo Rou, Malaxiangguo Laziji

    Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
    Makasih Infonya!
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