Foto Profil Liza Chairunisa

Liza Chairunisa

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Urutkan berdasarkan: Tanggal
  • 4.0  
    Ramen For The Soul [ Senopati, Jepang ]

    Must try ramen restaurant in Jakarta!

    Udah lama banget pengen nyobain restoran ramen ini, sampai akhirnya baru kesampean minggu lalu. The place is not to big, but the ambiance is really nice!
    I came with my big group of friends and of course we got wait listed. But the waiters is really helpful!
    Mas nya baik banget, dia ngusahain kita semua duduk deketan ga kepisah-pisah. Apalagi temenku ada yang bawa toddler dan dia dengan sigap bawain baby chair

    For the food we ordered their popular matcha chicken ramen, jushi chicken ramen (not pictured), and shio chicken ramen.

    Awalnya sempet deg2an juga pas pesen matcha chicken ramen mereka, karena takutnya gak cocok sama lidah aku. But, apparently their matcha ramen is delicious, i approved. Untuk kuahnya rasanya kaya minum matcha latte tapi gurih karena chicken brothnya, perpaduan yang gak biasa tapi enak! The noodle is perfectly cooked, tipe-tipe mie tipis yang kenyal. And their grilled chicken is juicy and had that great amount of smokiness

    Temen-temenku yang lain pesen jushi chicken ramen (ini aku gak sempet coba tapi katanya ini juga enak) dan shio chicken ramen. I tried my friend's shio chicken ramen, its broth is nicely clear but really flavourful! Suprisingly very umami.

    Anyway, menurutku ramen for the soul worth to try sih! A definition of unique comfort food (hence their restaurant name is ramen for the soul hehe). It was a whole new level of ramen experience

    Menu yang dipesan: matcha chicken ramen, jushi chicken ramen, Shio chicken ramen

    Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    3 pembaca berterima kasih.