Foto Profil Marini Yosepha

Marini Yosepha

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  • 5.0  
    Koi [ Kemang, Thailand,Barat,Italia ]

    Bule casuals place

    Its a bule place but not so cosy and not really a good place to be with romantic dates. For having Europe food with cafe style its good food in open area space that there is a big chance his wife will meet you or her girls will see you having a meal so be only with normal dates! Huhu! Warning!
    With the foods the local is best for my tastes or Europe salmon mango salad and olio pasta is so good! Worths to visit Koi! Its a place you can find vegetarian menu for diets! Not easy in jaksel!
    Events place its popular and we do tennis expats ladder party always for the good price, good beers and good space! For the sound system its need to improve but with more beer we enjoy and just drink and drink always my time to have a good hook up nights with bules! Hehe!
    Casuals with beer is the way! Koi have the best for beer!

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!
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