Rose Flower Restaurant  [ China ]
3.8 2 review

Rose Flower Restaurant

[ China ]
3.8 2 review
Harga : rasa

Jl. Jenderal Ahmad Yani No. 32, Ahmad Yani, Bandung

Belum Buka - Sabtu (11:00 - 15:00, 17:00 - 21:30) 022 7301136

022 7301136

Belum Buka Senin - Minggu (11:00 - 15:00, 17:00 - 21:30)

Di bawah Rp. 50.000 /orang

Rose Flower Restaurant [ Ahmad Yani ]

  • Tipe KulinerChina
  • Jam Buka
    Belum Buka
  • PembayaranTunai
  • Kapasitas: 70 kursi


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  • Picture 1463372338 1x, 2x
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Review dari pengunjung untuk Rose Flower Restaurant

Foto Profil Janice Agatha

354 Review

Level 12

BBQ Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Dessert


Oldschool restaurant

Love how they paint the wall pink hehe. It's an oldschool restaurant offering a wide range of chinese food. There's some table occupied even when it's not dining time yet. They were famour for serving crab, but since I'm a big fan of pork, here's what I tried:
Babi Hong

Portion was quite big, but since it was sharing for 5 I only got like 2 slice of goodness. The fat layer was da bomb! The fat was those type that melt in your mouth, whoa I'm craving for it now as I'm typing :( One thing that I think lacking is the amount sauce and sayur asin is very little compare to the meat.
Kangkung Sapi Hotplate

Served in a hot sizzling hot plate, portion was very big. There's plenty amount of meat as well. Yuuum, love it.
I'm currently very hungry, and typing this review tempt me a lot :( wish I could have that for my lunch today. Spend around 250k for 2 dish and 4 white rice. Anyway, if you happen to look for chinese food in Bandung area, Rose Flower could be a good option for you.

Tanggal kunjungan: 29 Mei 2017
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil meliricjourney

22 Review

Level 4

No Badge


Jagonya kepiting di bandung

Kemarin saya dan pasangan makan di restoran ini...
Kami memesan kepiting saus padang yang ga ada duanya deh. Walaupun harga kepitingnya agak mahal, tapi ga akan kecewa sama rasa dan daging kepitingnya yang besar dan ga nempel di cangkang.
Ga lupa kita pesen jg kangkung cah sapi hot plate dan nasi putih. Nasi putih disini kita dikasih sebakul, jadi bisa makan sampai kenyang. Kangkung cah sapi disini perlu dicoba, selain daging sapinya sangat empuk, rasanya juga enak banget... Bikin kita mau nambah nasi terus kalau ga inget bakalan bikin timbangan naik.

Untuk info kuliner lainnya dapat follow instagram kami di @meliricjourney

Menu yang dipesan: Kepiting Saus Padang, kangkung cah sapi hot plate

Tanggal kunjungan: 15 Mei 2016
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
2 pembaca berterima kasih.

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