Ta Wan  [ China ]
4.0 2 review

Ta Wan

[ China ]
4.0 2 review
Harga : rasa

Kota Harapan Indah, Sentra Kuliner Meli Melo, Blok 2K
Jl. Harapan Indah Raya, Medan Satria, Bekasi

Buka - Rabu (10:00 - 22:00) 021 88868172

021 88868172

Buka Senin - Minggu (10:00 - 22:00)

Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000 /orang

Ta Wan [ Medan Satria ]

  • Tipe KulinerChina
  • Jam Buka
  • PembayaranTunai, Visa, Master, Debet
  • Cabang: ya


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  • Picture 1607412772
    https://assets-pergikuliner.com/WHnPNRqvC6Uaoq-6RY3J9H_5vl4=/385x290/smart/https://assets-pergikuliner.com/uploads/image/picture/2098624/picture-1607412772.jpg 1x, https://assets-pergikuliner.com/HLRhP28u6E08doJSORbMXW5-f3Q=/770x580/smart/filters:no_upscale()/https://assets-pergikuliner.com/uploads/image/picture/2098624/picture-1607412772.jpg 2x
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Review dari pengunjung untuk Ta Wan

Foto Profil Desriani Ekaputri (@rian_ry)

Alfa 2023

1230 Review

Level 17

Steak Ramen Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Tak lekang oleh waktu

Mood mam bubur polosan tapi ayam gandum jg menggoda buat dijadiin topping. Pantes aja ada Take away charge 3.000 karena bungkusnya rapi rapet higienis pakai tas bahan juga ciamik

• bubur ikan udang (29.000)

• ayam gandum crispy (52.000)

Total 92.950

Menu yang dipesan: Bubur Ikan Udang, ayam gandum crispy

Tanggal kunjungan: 30 September 2021
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil @eatfoodtravel

Alfa 2021

483 Review

Level 13

Chinese Food Kopi Bakmi Pizza Dessert Bubble Tea


Sapi lada hitam, lumpia udang and cai mao

Had dinner in the restaurant and ordered sapi lada hitam, lumpia udang and cai mao as vege. They were part of the promotion set B (if i am not mistaken), and included 2 rice. Pretty cheap deal only 145k (including tax) though we cannot pick the meals. There are set deals for 2 or 5 persons.

For more highlights and pictures:
IG 📸 @eatfoodtravel
Do not hesitate to DM me ❤️
Thank you

Menu yang dipesan: Sapi Lada Hitam, cai mao, Lumpia Udang

Tanggal kunjungan: 08 Desember 2020
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!

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26 Mar 2025
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