100 Rasa - Residence 100  [ Indonesia ]
4.0 1 review

100 Rasa - Residence 100

[ Indonesia ]
4.0 1 review
Harga : rasa

Residence 100
Jl. Kota Bumi No. 31, Thamrin, Jakarta Pusat

Sudah Tutup - Kamis (07:00 - 22:00) 081808533033


Sudah Tutup Senin - Minggu (07:00 - 22:00)

Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000 /orang

100 Rasa - Residence 100 [ Thamrin ]

  • Tipe KulinerIndonesia
  • Jam Buka
    Sudah Tutup
  • Stasiun MRT/LRT Terdekat Dukuh Atas - Keluar E
    duration 4 menit

    Bundaran HI - Keluar A
    duration 12 menit

  • PembayaranTunai


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Review dari pengunjung untuk 100 Rasa - Residence 100

Foto Profil Adieguno

10 Review

Level 3

No Badge


Hidden Roof Top Restaurant Near Bundaran HI But Low Budget

100 Rasa restaurant is a roof top restaurant that was developed by the 100 residence inn. This restaurant located on the 5th floor is presenting scenery of towering buildings. There are two parts of the room indoor and outdoor, outdoor room there are only a few tables but you can smoke and feel the fresh breeze.

100 Rasa Restaurant At 100 Residence

Probably because this place not many people know this 100 Rasa as the restaurant is makes exclusive privet. The room was very clean at all with the arrangement of tables and stools were very neat and white floor makes this restaurant such as a home atmosphere. You will feel the same way.

All the service here is very good, and their staff was humble and friendly. This condition will make you feel cozy during your spent time here. And the view in the night become dramatic from the outdoor area because we can see a Jakarta night views from there.

Nasi Sapi Lada Hitam (IDR 38K)

One of my favorite menu at 100 Rasa, Nasi Sapi Lada Hitam. I love the the beef and the spiciness, it become so appetite when we eat with steam rice. Very recommended menu!

Tempe Bacem (IDR 6K)

Tastes is very good in the mouth, tempeh feels very tender. If you like it sweet taste as like other Javanese Food, you must try this one.

Garang Asem (IDR 35k)

My first experience to try Garang Asem and suddenly falling in love with this. I love the chicken meat it was so tender and easily to cut from the bone. The soup taste was very nice, they combine sweet and sour taste into this soup, the sour from the “belimbinng wuluh” and it was so fresh and delicious.

Black Coffee (IDR 15K)

Nothing special in this black coffee, it just an ordinary a black coffee that we can found in small shop.

Iced Tea (IDR 10K)

Same with the black coffee we can taste an iced tea here. One kind of drinks that best paired with Javanese food as well.

This is my lunch experience during my stay at Residence 100. I really enjoy my lunch time and feel the ambiance and their outdoor area which is like a semi-rooftop. The food was nice and the place is cozy and neat, i recommend this restaurant during your stay at Residence 100.

Tanggal kunjungan: 04 Januari 2017
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.

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