Dookki  [ Korea ]
3.1 2 review


[ Korea ]
3.1 2 review
Harga : rasa

Gandaria City, Lantai Upper Ground, Mainstreet Dining
Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda, Gandaria, Jakarta Selatan

Buka - Sabtu (12:00 - 22:00) 088975318140


Buka Senin - Minggu (12:00 - 22:00)

Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000 /orang

Dookki [ Gandaria ]

  • Tipe KulinerKorea
  • Jam Buka
  • PembayaranTunai, Visa, Master, Debet
  • Cabang: ya


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Review dari pengunjung untuk Dookki

Foto Profil Isabella Chandra

Alfa 2023

892 Review

Level 14

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B aja

Aku penasaran bgt makan disni, akhirnya mampir ke cabang gandaria. Pesen pake ayce, harganya 120 rb per orang, dikasih waktu 60 menit. Minta saus nya diracikin yg pedes manis.

Menurutku pilihan side dish nya dikit, mostly gorengan, japchae nya biasa aja, rice ball nya juga. Tteokboki nya ada banyak varian, tpi topping proteinnya dikit. Ada sayur juga.

Rasanya menurutku biasa aja…. idk why. Tapi ya emng bikin kenyang bgt si, oh ya kl ga abis bs kena charge.

Selamat mencoba!

Tanggal kunjungan: 23 Februari 2023
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Epenitus Naftalino

1 Review

Level 1

No Badge


Can't I get my Samyang Carbonara?

I live nearby Gandaria City Mall and therefore I used to visit the mall and explore all and its new cullinary. Dookki is all I know one of the relatively new restaurants there, offering an AYCE Korean F&B concept, and I have thus far visited Dookki twice. 

When I visited a restaurant more than once, possibly I like it. Which yes, basically I like this restaurant especially their special rate on weekdays noon and yes, beside, the menu tastes quite good. 

Until I was almost disappointed in my first visit and my disappointment became valid on my second visit. 

So Dookki has one station for instant noodles. Our family sat down next to that station. It showcases few options of noodles among other Samyang instant noodle. FYI, this noodles stall put a sign there for us visitors to seek assistance from the waitress if we want to get the noodles, so the noodles being displayed there are basically only for a display purpose, they have a drawer under the stall to store all stocks of the instant noodles they have.

For the record, I am a huge fan of Samyang Carbonara. On my first visit, I saw one pack of Samyang Carbonara being displayed and therefore I asked one waitress for one Samyang Carbonara for me to cook in my table. First waitress I asked said that they ran out of Samyang Carbonara stock. When I asked whether I can get the display instead, they said I cannot, so ya, I did not argue any further - respecting the rule.

Then I explored their other AYCE options. Later when I came back to my table - which I must walk through the noodles stationary to reach my seat, I saw another waitress was opening the drawer under the noodles stall and you know what? The drawer was stored with a number of Samyang Carbonara noodles packs. And thus I immediately asked one pack of a Samyang Carbonara from the waitress, she gave me one. 

I did not raise any issue on why I was informed before that no stocks of Samyang Carbonara while there are the stocks right there inside the drawer. Was thinking the information I receive is simply false and unintentionally made.

As I said I was almost disappointed because I cannot get my Samyang Carbonara but since eventually I had it, so the situation remained ok.

My second visit to Dookki was on 13 January 2023. As I mentioned, basically I like this restaurant hence I came back.

We took the same table, that one next to the instant noodles stall. I saw no Samyang Carbonara noodle being displayed. So I asked one waitress there if indeed there was no Samyang Carbonara stock, and she confirmed, no stock. I said OK. I explored the main AYCE sides.

Just when I was about to go back to my seat, yes I must walk through the noodle station, you know what? Exactly the same scene, a waitress was opening the drawer under the stall, and I saw a lot of Samyang Carbonara being stored there.

I was stunned, speechless, what happened? I mean, if you anticipate your visitors will take the noodles excessively - well, I'm fully aware the price of one pack of Samyang noodle, you can either limit the noodle distribution e.g. 1 person for 1 piece OR you can just remove Samyang noodles from your stocks.

I felt manipulated, being lied of, when I pay a visit, literally paying for what I eat, and what I drink. 

I will now think twice to come back to your restaurant. One single and looks simple mistake, this has caused a massive impact from consumer experience perspective.

If your Management wishes to set some sort of supply strategy which I don't know what and what for - because you displayed the instant noodles anyways and you had the stocks, my suggestion: just remove your instant noodle station so your consumers can manage their expectation. Or you can put extra price for the instant noodles. 

Hope this experience of mine doesn't happen with others. Don't get discouraged, this restaurant as I said is offering a good menu, it's just I cannot tolerate my bad experience as I described herein.

Best of luck!

Menu yang dipesan: the noodle

Tanggal kunjungan: 13 Januari 2023
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.

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