Review Pelanggan untuk Fish & Co.
A plater of happiness
oleh Eric @ericfoodreview, 21 April 2018 (hampir 7 tahun yang lalu)
Seafood Plater for 1
Seafood Plater for 1. Grilled prawn, grilled squid, fried dory, french fries and paella. The amazing presentation that you see here looks exactly like it does on the menu.The squid and paella were really the star of the show. The squid was a bit chewy, I mean like enjoyable chewy. The paella was nothing to compare for. Rich in flavor and tons of spices. To sum it up, a solid plate of seafood.
Menu yang dipesan: Seafood Plater for 1
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
( Barat)
Gandaria City, Lantai Ground, Mainstreet Dining
Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda, Gandaria, Jakarta Selatan