Review Pelanggan untuk Khung Bar & Restaurant
tender and tasty duck with no gameyness
oleh Eric @ericfoodreview, 07 September 2018 (6 tahun yang lalu)
It's one of their signature mains.The meat was very lean and tender. It's definitely not a fatty kind of duck. There was a bit smokey taste to it.The skin wasn't crisp at all, but the tenderness from that meat compesate it. Usually you'll get hoisin sauce when you order duck dish like this, but here they give you 2 kinds of homemade sauce. Hoisin and plum sauce. I personally prefer hoisin sauce. Salty and 100% compliment the duck. It's not like the plum sauce was bad. It's a bit sweet and plumy. I think I've eaten too much MSG, so the plum sauce tasted a bit plain for my tastebud.
Menu yang dipesan: Tea Smoked Roast Duck with Plum
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000