Review Pelanggan untuk Maple & Oak
Brunch di malam hari 😂
oleh Vera Jauw, 21 Maret 2017 (hampir 8 tahun yang lalu)
1 pembaca berterima kasih
Gravy Fries
Salmon Egg Benedict
So, hari ini gw finally makan di Maple & Oak 😂 Ud rada telat but they say late is better than never right?
Menu pertama : Maple Butter Brioche. It was such a big portion! Two loaves of toasted brioche yang amazingly renyah dan ga alot pas di gigit walopun tebel rotinya. The scrambled egg looks nice in term of color (bright), texture (soft gooey, seasoned well and not dry), the ham looks a bit burned but still taste fine.
Menu kedua : Salmon Egg Benedict. Roti yang dipake sama dengan menu pertama. Padahal di description ditulis toasted sourdough. Hmm. Salmon was a little bit salty. Runny egg yolk filling beneath poach eggs against hollandise sauce were definitely magnificent.
Menu ketiga : Gravy Fries. Kentangnya garing tapi di satu sisi sedikit keras ya. It was written cheese fondue, so I though that there will be warm cheese fondue buat kita cocol kentangnya. But no, semuanya uda dituang including the homemade gravy. Apart from those disappointments, rasa kentangnya berasa banget dan cocok dengan sausnya ! Suka banget hehe. ❤️
Drinks : infused water (1jug) isinya ada stroberi, jeruk dan daun mint yang pastinya nyegerin banget apalgi dingin2 dipakein es batu dehh.
Definitely a magnificent dinner at this restaurant! Thanks ✌️
Foto lainnya:
Menu yang dipesan: Maple Butter Brioche, Gravy Fries, Salmon Egg Benedict, Infused Water
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000