Review Pelanggan untuk Nasi Goreng Gila Gondrong Obama


oleh | Thyra Annisaa, 19 Januari 2019 (sekitar 6 tahun yang lalu)

Foto Makanan di Nasi Goreng Gila Gondrong Obama

Ready for Jkt Night Street Food recommendation? Here it isπŸ˜‹
🍴: Nasi Goreng Gila Gondrong Obama Jumbo (1,5 portion) Pedas Sedang
πŸ“: Nasi Goreng Gila Gondrong Obama. Didepan SDN 01 Menteng.
πŸ’°: Rp 25.000,- (Nasgor Gila Jumbo) + Rp 10.000,- (Mozzarella cheese)
πŸ’πŸ»: one of the famous nasgor in jakarta! This could be night culinary destination in jkt! I went here with my #foodbuddiesforlife @makanmoloe At first i thought it seems like the usual nasgor but not. The toppings makes it different cause it had 2 ways; Pedas-sedang, Sangat Pedas. It is called special cause it contains sausage, meatballs, and fried eggs. You can add extra fried eggs or mozzarella cheese. Yumm!
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Menu yang dipesan: Nasi Goreng Gila

Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000

Makasih Infonya!


Nasi Goreng Gila Gondrong Obama


Jl. Besuki No. 4 (Seberang SDN 01 Menteng), Menteng, Jakarta Pusat

Rata-rata: 3.1


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