Review Pelanggan untuk Slab Steak Lab
SLAB - Steak Lab, Kebayoran Baru
Waktu itu kata adek gue enak tapi gajadi nyoba
WKWK, akhirnya kesini karena sepupu gue ig mau nyoba. Disini pas mau makan steak jg ditawarin pisau gitu kyk dimana ya gue lupa,
tapi menurut gue cuma buat style maybe? no special intentions behind the knife pick.
1. Scotch Fillet (9.5/10) enak, cutnya empuk karena ribeye ya. the Cafe de Paris butternya enak dan wangi but it doesn't leave an impression. Sama portionnya kalau buat 3 org a stretch ya.. tapi kmrn gue udah makan sebelumnya jadi pas, sayang gaada yang 300g an.
2. Creamy Mushroom Linguini (10/10) linguine nya kosong jadi ganti tagliatelle. Enak overall, even with bigger pasta. The sauce was so good creamy tp ga too heavy, overall suka bgt.
3. Creamy Spinach (8.5/10) creamy spinach was good, gurih tapi jenisnya yg ga terlalu heavy cream tp bayemnya ga sepadet it, although overall menurut gue enak.
4. Mushroom Sauce (9/10) Mushroom sauce reminded me of Indoguna but better, it was great.
5. Blueberry Cheese Crumble (7/10) gamakan, tapi kata adek gue lumayan. although kayakya ada yogurtnya deh di campuran blueberrynya.
6. Drinks were okay? Virgin & Tonic was too sweet for me but my sister liked it. The sangria was okay as well.
OVERALL RATING: 8/10 decent.
Menu yang dipesan: Virgin & Tonic, Scotch Fillet, Creamy Spinach, mushroom sauce, Creamy Mushroom Linguini, Blueberry Cheese Crumble, Rogue Virgin Sangria
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000