Review Pelanggan untuk The Moodybakerr
oleh Jochbeth 👱🏻♀️IG: jochbeth_wairata , 09 Agustus 2023 (1 tahun yang lalu)
Wooohoooo!! Found a super moist and decadent Chocolate Cake so called Chocolate Matilda from @themoodybakerr situated at @lucycuratedcompound Adityawarman ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Its soo damn good!! Its not tht sweet and its not tht bitter, so just hit the point!! This Choco Matilda was def a HIT!!
I bought 2 cakes yesterday; Rhum Marble and Choco Matilda but I havent tried the Rhum Marble yet. Sooonnn 😆😆😆
Lokasi @themoodybakerr ada di lantai 2 ya. Dari depan, penampakan dari cake outlet nya memang humble, but once you try it, you will never stop and def Love it!
Untuk @lucycuratedcompound, its like 1 compound you can find different food/beverages outlets for example Sejiwa. When I stepped in, it remains me of cafes or hang-out place in Brooklyn, New York. Yess just like in Brooklyn ❤️❤️❤️
Note: kalau mau di makan, tunggu suhu ruangan dahulu ya.
Give it try you guys ❤️
Thank you my dearest Putri @putrieview for your recommendationnn ❤️
#chocolatematilda #moodybaker #moodybakerlcc
Menu yang dipesan: Chocolate Matilda, Rhum Marble
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000