Review Pelanggan untuk The Moodybakerr


oleh Jochbeth 👱🏻‍♀️IG: jochbeth_wairata , 09 Agustus 2023 (1 tahun yang lalu)

Foto Makanan di The Moodybakerr
Foto Makanan di The Moodybakerr

Rhum Marble

Wooohoooo!! Found a super moist and decadent Chocolate Cake so called Chocolate Matilda from @themoodybakerr situated at @lucycuratedcompound Adityawarman ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Its soo damn good!! Its not tht sweet and its not tht bitter, so just hit the point!! This Choco Matilda was def a HIT!!

I bought 2 cakes yesterday; Rhum Marble and Choco Matilda but I havent tried the Rhum Marble yet. Sooonnn 😆😆😆

Lokasi @themoodybakerr ada di lantai 2 ya. Dari depan, penampakan dari cake outlet nya memang humble, but once you try it, you will never stop and def Love it!

Untuk @lucycuratedcompound, its like 1 compound you can find different food/beverages outlets for example Sejiwa. When I stepped in, it remains me of cafes or hang-out place in Brooklyn, New York. Yess just like in Brooklyn ❤️❤️❤️

Note: kalau mau di makan, tunggu suhu ruangan dahulu ya.

Give it try you guys ❤️

Thank you my dearest Putri @putrieview for your recommendationnn ❤️

#chocolatematilda #moodybaker #moodybakerlcc

Foto lainnya:

Foto Makanan di The Moodybakerr
Foto Makanan di The Moodybakerr
Foto Makanan di The Moodybakerr
Foto Makanan di The Moodybakerr
Foto Makanan di The Moodybakerr
Foto Makanan di The Moodybakerr

Menu yang dipesan: Chocolate Matilda, Rhum Marble

Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000

Makasih Infonya!


The Moodybakerr

(Toko Kue)

Lucy Curated Compound (LCC Adityawarman), Lantai 2
Jl. Adityawarman No. 40, Melawai, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

Rata-rata: 3.9


Foto Profil Jochbeth 👱🏻‍♀️IG: jochbeth_wairata

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