Noble by Zab Thai
Thai Tea Mille Crepes
Pas nyampe, dari luar cakep yah gedung nya, dekorasi nya juga, apalagi di depan ada yang seger hijau-hijau backdrop nya, bagus banget buat OOTD atau foto-foto ala selebgram. Pas masuk, interior nya juga cakep, luas tempatnya, mewah dan sejuk karen ada pohon di dalam nya.
Kebetulan aku browsing di instagram nya Noble by ZAB Thai, ternyata dessert nya lumayan menarik lhoo ada ketan mangga, es krim trus ada ketan gitu, tapi paling menarik itu si MILLE CREPES nyaa, karena memang aku typically dessert person (and well im not judging or assuming that im the only person who love dessert in this whole universe lah yaa, and please guyss come on!!!) They serve the mille crepes with three option which is pandan, thai tea and the other which i forget.
When the waiter come with a plate of Mille Crepes i was so excited and happy, the very first bite was so delightful and i probably never taste like this one before, each of the layers really made with love and it is so creamy, soft, fluffy and delicious. Well people might be assuming i was over reacting or over rated, but proof me if i wrong then you can judge me, go try yourself.
Then the combination of the small bites which is looks like rock in a good way, it taste salty and crunchy with many slices roasted almond which is so gewd.. Maybe next time i will try their main course, and by the way i review this based on my personal experience, no one force me or pay me for this honest rewiew, so please respect. THANKS!
Please kindly follow my instagram for more scrumptious pictures if you do or my personal blog