Depot Hongkong  [ China ]
4.1 2 review

Depot Hongkong

[ China ]
4.1 2 review
Harga : rasa

Jl. Kedungdoro Blok B No. 36 - 46, Tegalsari, Surabaya

Buka - Selasa (08:00 - 22:00) 031 5315529

031 5315529

Buka Senin - Jumat (08:00 - 22:00), Sabtu (07:00 - 23:00), Minggu (07:00 - 22:00)

Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000 /orang

Depot Hongkong [ Tegalsari ]

  • Tipe KulinerChina
  • Jam Buka
  • PembayaranTunai, Debet, Go-pay, Ovo, Dana
  • Cabang: ya


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  • Picture 1629970958 1x, 2x

Review dari pengunjung untuk Depot Hongkong

Foto Profil Evi Yenty

168 Review

Level 5

No Badge


Chinese food spesialis mie ujung pandang

Wahh akhirnya kesampean cobain ini deket rmh soalnya. Tiap mlm rame. Enaak sih authentic chinese food. Porsi banyak sesuai harga. Pas dtg pangsit & bakso grg nya habis pdhl mau coba.

Menu yang dipesan: Tamie Capcay, Mie Ujung Pandang

Tanggal kunjungan: 03 Mei 2023
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!


Kuliner Jadul Klasik Nikmat

Depot Hongkong, one of the old traditional restaurant serving dishes from the 80s. Although I wasn't part of gen 80s, my granddad took me to this place ever since I was in elementary school, hence I took it that this place has opened its door since the 80s. @depothongkongkedungdoro @depothongkongsurabaya 

Came here with @chrisongkoo to re-order those delicious dishes we had in the past and avoided the shitty dish, this time it's Bihun UP Spesial and Nasi Goreng Spesial (dry vermicelli with pork pieces on top and house special fried rice). We've learned our lesson to order only the favourites here. 

While waiting for your orders, ask the waiters for some pork chips. It's basically the excess of the fat after you extract the oil out of it. They call it "Gromoan", sounds silly but who cares when it tastes this good. Get some wedges of lime and craft your own dipping sauce, mine consisted of their sambal/chilli sauce and squeezes of lime. Dip them in and you'll see why this is one of my favourite place to have lunch. 

The vermicelli was well seasoned, throw in some Sambal and sesame oil to make it more fragrant and satisfying. The pork and chicken pieces was just alright, good enough to complement the savouriness of the vermicelli. The soup and greens on the side are there to soothen your palate a bit, not mandatory to have, but necessary in a sense. It's like cherry on top for your meal. I like the texture of soggy greens inside tasty broth like this, dunno bout you guys. Give it a shot and let me know. 

The special fried rice was indeed special. Well seasoned and fried with proper charcoal flavour, means it's been stir fried in high heat and topped with a piece of fried egg. Throw in some of those pork chips earlier with its sambal-lime juice concoction, oh dear God. Absolute Yum. Enjoy the tingling sensation on your tastebuds and the kick of chilli's heat during your meal, you better have something cold to soothen those painful pleasure you craved.

Menu yang dipesan: Gromoan (Free), Bihun UP, Nasi Goreng Spesial, Finished!

Tanggal kunjungan: 25 Agustus 2021
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!

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