Review Pelanggan untuk Home Brew Coffee & Eatery

Comfy Coffee Shop

oleh Andrika Nadia, 24 Desember 2016 (sekitar 8 tahun yang lalu)

Foto Makanan di Home Brew Coffee & Eatery
Foto Makanan di Home Brew Coffee & Eatery

Super homey and comfy coffee shop! Tempatnya luas dan seating capacitynya banyak, kita milih communal table dengan kursi panjang kayu. Kesini pas lagi ujan, sempet duduk di outdoornya, udaranya sejuuukkk bangeeettt!

- Iced Red Velvet Latte (IDR 40,000)
Warna minumannya tempting banget, rasanya kayak Hot Chocolate.

- Salted Tiramisu Blended (IDR 48,000)
Blended Coffee with Salted Caramel and Tiramisu Sauce. Gak kemanisan dan gak mahteh. Super gewd!

- Affogato (IDR 40,000)
Vanilla Ice Cream with Hot Espresso. One of the best Affogato I have ever tasted!

- Calamansi Mojito (IDR 45,000)
Mint Mojito with Calamansi. Rasanya manis-manis asem, super refreshing!

- Monte Cristo (IDR 66,000)
Fried Ham and Cheese Sandwich. Rotinya keras-keras krenyes enak, Melted Cheesenya melimpah ruah, dan ada Fried Beef Hamnya juga. Saladnya fresh dan dressingnya tasty.

Overall minuman-minumannya enak though rada pricey. Disini disediain juga free Lemon Infused Water. Pengen kesini lagi nyobain Stuffed Chicken soalnya tadi sold out 😢

Foto lainnya:

Foto Makanan di Home Brew Coffee & Eatery
Foto Makanan di Home Brew Coffee & Eatery
Foto Makanan di Home Brew Coffee & Eatery
Foto Interior di Home Brew Coffee & Eatery
Foto Interior di Home Brew Coffee & Eatery
Foto Interior di Home Brew Coffee & Eatery
Foto Interior di Home Brew Coffee & Eatery
Foto Makanan di Home Brew Coffee & Eatery
Foto Interior di Home Brew Coffee & Eatery
Foto Makanan di Home Brew Coffee & Eatery
Foto Makanan di Home Brew Coffee & Eatery
Foto Makanan di Home Brew Coffee & Eatery
Foto Makanan di Home Brew Coffee & Eatery
Foto Interior di Home Brew Coffee & Eatery
Foto Interior di Home Brew Coffee & Eatery
Foto Interior di Home Brew Coffee & Eatery
Foto Eksterior di Home Brew Coffee & Eatery

Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000

Makasih Infonya!


Home Brew Coffee & Eatery


Nite & Day Residence, Lantai P3
Jl. Alam Utama No. 1, Alam Sutera, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan

Rata-rata: 4.0


Foto Profil Andrika Nadia

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