Mpok Iyoh  [ Indonesia ]
4.1 2 review

Mpok Iyoh

[ Indonesia ]
4.1 2 review
Harga : rasa

Jl. Pahlawan No. 95, Ciputat Timur, Tangerang Selatan

Belum Buka - Sabtu (14:30 - 20:00) 021 7430975

021 7430975

Belum Buka Senin - Kamis (14:30 - 20:00), Sabtu - Minggu (14:30 - 20:00), Jumat Tutup

Di bawah Rp. 50.000 /orang

Mpok Iyoh [ Ciputat Timur ]

  • Tipe KulinerIndonesia
  • Jam Buka
    Belum Buka
  • PembayaranTunai


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Review dari pengunjung untuk Mpok Iyoh

Foto Profil Ridho Nursaputra

20 Review

Level 1

No Badge



Rumah makan yg terletak tak jauh dari Wisata Situ Gintung ini banyak menawarkan masakan rumahan serta lauk pauk khas betawi, mulai dari Nasi Uduk, Sayur Asem, Soto Betawi, Semur Jengkol, Pepes Jamur dan Tahu, sampai Sayur Besan yg susah untuk ditemui.

Saya berkesempatan mencicipi Soto Betawi kuah santannya yang gurih, dengan isian daging, kikil, Iso (Usus Sapi), Babat, serta potongan tomat, kentang goreng sampai taburan bawang goreng dan daun bawang yg sedap. Kuahnya yg rich dan medok cukup untuk menghabiskan sepiring nasi hangat..ciamik.

Menu yang dipesan: Soto Betawi, pepes jamur, pepes tahu

Tanggal kunjungan: 14 Agustus 2021
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil IG: biteorbye (Nisa & Nadya)

Alfa 2020

344 Review

Level 12

Dimsum Pizza Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


The nasi uduk that will make you forget about all the other nasi uduk.

Biteorbye? Bite.

Why you will love it ❤
1. Nasi uduk. So fragrant and flavourful. In that moment you will know why other nasi uduk fail to impress you. Nasi uduk Mpok Iyoh is generous in fried onion and has a taste that will make you forget about all the nasi uduk before you (Nasi Uduk Mpok Iyoh).
2. The proteins are all very well-seasoned. I usually go for the chicken and the empal. But every now and then I like to change it up a bit and order the shrimp.
3. The sambal is super good. Whether you opt for the saus kacang (given along with the nasi uduk) or the sambal merah on the table. Both are good. Some like to mix them. I like to keep it as it is and eat both during the meal.
4. I like the daun pohpohan lalapan with the nasi uduk. Best. Combo. For. Lalapan. Ever.

What could be improved 🙏
1. Small parking space, only fit about 3-4 cars. However, there is a convenient store about 50m towards Rempoa. You can buy something and park a while there.
2. They open at around 15:00-18:00, I suggest you should visit around 16:00 because if you visit after 6pm man they probably run out of that glorius nasi uduk. Yes, they sell out super fast.

Place: Nasi Uduk Mpok Iyoh
Menu: Nasi Uduk, Chicken, Empal, Shrimps

Menu yang dipesan: Nasi Uduk, Ayam, Empal, Udang

Tanggal kunjungan: 24 Juli 2019
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.

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