Review Pelanggan untuk Onokabe
This newly restaurant offer pay 1 for 2 promo until 15 november and it eas crazily packed with people. I'm lucky enough to be able to dine here 3 times (I came 5 times actually but only 3 succeed) bcs my home is near so coming early is no problem for me. Since the promotion has now come to end, keramaiannya mulai masuk akal. Yang perlu dihighlight adalah they have this playroom, semacam waiting room yang isinya ada games, playground for kids, free snack, free drink, and massage chair.
Moving on the to food. Let's start on their grilling station. They offer a beef, chicken, squid, prawn, shell, and vege such as mushroom, onion, garlic, etc. Dagingnya ada yang plain ada yang marinated, but personally saya lebih suka yang plain trus saya bumbuin sendiri (sok jadi chef). Karena mereka juga nyediain bumbu seperti kecap manis, kecap asin, bawang putih, minyak cabe, sambel terasi, dll. Yang udah dibumbuin ada bulgogi, black pepper, curry, mongolian, banyak deh pokoknya. Dan grill nya juga lebih baik satu persatu, kalo barengan langsung di grill satu gumpalan gitu biasanya bakal alot jadinya. Don't forget to grill it with vegetables because it will enchance the meat flavour (sok jadi chef lagi).
Next is the suki station, so they have this convenyor belt yang mendistribusikan baso dan sayur untuk suki. Yaps, there's no real meat for suki. But my friend actually try to dip the prawn in grill station in the soup. So if you want real meat you can try with the meat from grill station. Untuk pilihan soupnya ada 7/8 gitu, saya udah cobain chicken collagen, tom yum, soto, dan miso. Dan menurut saya semua soupnya terlalu banyak dicairin pake air so it's not flavorful. Bisa dibilang agak hambar. Untuk basonya yang enak baso salmon dan baso kepiting. Udah ambil itu aja udah cukup. Karena makan baso itu very fulling.
They also have dimsum station, yang isinya ada bakpao. Ada bakpao cokelat, red bean, even on my first visit ada bakpao telor asin loh. Dan juga ada siomay. Next to dimsum station ada goreng-gorengan like mantao, french fries, pangsit goreng, tempe goreng.
Their buffet menu were varied each day. Nasi goreng olive nya enak, cocok dimakan sama daging. Mie gorengnya enak saya suka banget, steam egg nya juga enak saya nambah terus lol. Sisanya ada seperti telor balado, spaggeti bolognaise, beef teriyaki, kerang, chawan mushi, dll.
Their dessert station were mostly kue pasar, ada chocolate fountain tapi cokelatnya kurang enak, ada es krim dan es campur DIY.
They also have kambing guling, yang bakal di potong ketika kita pesan. Rasanya b aja sih. Lalu ada crepe station yang saya ngga sempet coba karena ngantri dan mas nya bikinnya lama. Dan cotton candy station.
Overall service was really good. Despite the overwhelm crowd, they manage the queue line very well. The waitress inside was very friendly and fast on service. I really want to highlight their service because one time I came with my grandma and their waitress help my grandma bring her plate without my grandma ask.
Overall, I have a nice experience in Onokabe. And I'm sure they will serve even better when the promotion ended. Before come, keep in mind that even though Onokabe is under the same group with Shaburi and Kintan, it's definetely different. They don't have the same soup and same meat. In term of quality, it's below Shaburi and Kintan.
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000