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The Grand Ni Hao
[China] Flavor Bliss, Jl. Alam Sutera Boulevard, Alam Sutera, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan-
Menu Reguler
Angsio Hisit Ala HongkongDouble boiled shark's fin hongkong style soup/packRp. 125.000,00
Sup Hipio SeafoodFish belly soup with seafood/packRp. 35.000,00
Sup Sapi Ala Ni HaoMinced beef soup ni hao style/packRp. 35.000,00
Sus Asparagus Jagung & KepitingCrab meat with asparagus & sweet corn soup/packRp. 35.000,00
Live Seafood Ikan KerapuIkan kerapu & ikan malas
Sup Sapo Tahu Ikan (Live)Live fish with beancurd soup
Ikan Kerapu / Malas Tim Ala Hongkong2Steamed fish hongkong style/Ons
Ikan Kerapu / Malas Tim Ala ThaiSteamed fish thai style/Ons
Ikan Kerapu / Malas Tim Teow ChiewSteamed fish teow chiew style/Ons
Ikan Kerapu / Malas Saos Tomat Dengan LemonFish with tomato sauce with lemon/Ons
Ikan Kerapu / Malas Goreng Ala HongkongDeep fried fish hongkong style/Ons
Ikan Kerapu / Malas Saos Special Ala Ni HaoFish with ni hao special sauce/Ons
Ikan Kerapu / Malas Goreng Ala SingaporeDeep fried fish singapore style/Ons
Ikan Kerapu / Malas Goreng Saos Lada HitamDeep fried with black pepper sauce/Ons
Ikan Kerapu / Malas Goreng Asam ManisDeep fried fish with sweet & sour sauce/Ons
Ikan Kerapu / Malas Goreng TausiDeep fried fish with black bean sauce/Ons
Ikan Kerapu / Malas Goreng Ala ThaiDeep fried fish thai style/Ons
Ikan Kerapu / Malas Goreng Saos MongoliaDeep fried fish with mongolian sauce/Ons
Live Seafood Kepiting JantanKepiting Jantan & Kepiting Telor
Kepiting Ala SingaporeCrab meat in singapore style/Ons
Kepiting Soun Serai Alai ThaiCrab rice vermicelli with lemon grass/Ons
Kepiting Tim Bawang PutihSteamed crab meat with garlic/Ons
Kepiting Lada HitamCrab meat black pepper sauce/Ons
Live Seafood Kepiting SokaKepiting Soka
Kepiting Soka Abon AyamShoft shelled crab with chicken flossSRp. 98.000,00LRp. 196.000,00
Kepiting Soka Lada GaramShoft shelled crab with salt and pepperSRp. 98.000,00LRp. 196.000,00
Kepiting Soka Saos Lada HitamShoft shelledd crab with black pepper sauceSRp. 98.000,00LRp. 196.000,00
Live Seafood UdangUdang
Udang Goreng GandumWheat flake tiger prawn/pack
Udang Goreng MayonaiseFried prawn with mayonnaiseSRp. 85.000,00LRp. 170.000,00
Udang Goreng Telur AsinFried prawn with golden salted eggSRp. 85.000,00LRp. 170.000,00
Udang Saos Special Ala Ni HaoFried prawn with ni hao specal sauce/Pack
Udang Tim Bawang PutihSteam prawn with garlic/Pack
Udang MabokDrunken prawn/Pack
Udang Tomyam Tabung BambuTom yum prawn in bamboo tube/Pack
Live Seafood Kerang TahuKerang tahu & kerang kampak
Kerang Tahu Saos SingaporeSauteed flower clam with singapore sauce/Pack
Kerang Tahu Tumis TausiSauteed flower clam with black bean/Pack
Kerang Kampak Tim Bawang PutihSteamed scallop with garlic/Pc
Kerang Kampak Tim TausiSteamed scallop with black bean/Pc
Live Seafood Kerang BambuKerang bambu
Kerang Bambu Tim Bawang PutihStemed bamboo clam with garlic/Pack
Kerang Bambu Saos SingaporeBamboo clam with singapore sauce/Pack
Kerang Bambu Tumis XOSauteed bamboo clam with xo sauce/Pack
Ikan Goreng MayonaiseDeep fried fish with mayonaiseSRp. 72.000,00LRp. 144.000,00
Ikan Goreng Aroma Ala Ni HaoAromatic fried fish ni hao styleSRp. 68.000,00LRp. 136.000,00
Salad Ikan Teri Ala ThaiAnchovy fish salad in thai styleSRp. 58.000,00LRp. 116.000,00
Sapo Hoisom SeafoodBraised hoisom with seafoodSRp. 295.000,00LRp. 590.000,00
Hipio Cah TelurFish belly with scramble eggSRp. 68.500,00LRp. 137.000,00
Hoisom Superior Ala Hongkong / SingaporeSuperior hoisom hongkong / singapore style/PackRp. 115.000,00
Sapo Hoisom Ala ThaiBraised hoisom in thai styleSRp. 295.000,00LRp. 590.000,00
Cumi Saos Special Ala Ni HaoStir fried squid with nihao special sauceSRp. 78.000,00LRp. 156.000,00
Baby Cumi Saos MaduBaby squid with honey syroupSRp. 68.000,00LRp. 136.000,00
Cumi Panggang MentegaGrilled squid with butterSRp. 72.000,00LRp. 144.000,00
Cumi Goreng GandumDeep fried squid with wheat flakeSRp. 72.000,00LRp. 144.000,00
Cumi Goreng Saos KecapDeep fried squid with black soya sauceSRp. 68.000,00LRp. 136.000,00
Hot Plate Sapi Ala HongkongHot plate beef hongkong styleSRp. 85.000,00LRp. 170.000,00
Sapo Urat & Daging SapiBraised beef brisket & bellySRp. 95.000,00LRp. 190.000,00
Hot Plate Sapi Lada HitamHot plate beef with black pepper sauceSRp. 85.000,00LRp. 170.000,00
Sapi Crispy Saos SpecialCrispy beef with special sauceSRp. 85.000,00LRp. 170.000,00
Hot Plate Sapi Saos JaheHot plate beef with ginger sauceSRp. 85.000,00LRp. 170.000,00
Ayam Garam Panggang Api Ala Ni Hao (Ayam Kampung)Whole wrapped salted chicken ni hao styleWholeRp. 178.000,00HalfRp. 90.000,00
Ayam Panggang CharsiuBerbeque chicken glassed with honeySRp. 55.000,00LRp. 110.000,00
Ayam Goreng Ala ThaiFried chicken in thai sauceSRp. 62.000,00LRp. 124.000,00
Ayam Panggang CrispyCrispy chicken barbequeHalfRp. 90.000,00WholeRp. 178.000,00
Ayam Cabe Kering SzechuanFried dried chilli chicken szechuan styleSRp. 62.000,00LRp. 124.000,00
Ayam Kung PaoKung Pao ChickenSRp. 66.000,00LRp. 132.000,00
Ayam Goreng Special Ala Ni Hao (Ayam Kampung Muda)Deep fried kampong chicken ni hao style/Ekor (whole)Rp. 125.000,00
Hot Plate Ayam Dengan PeteChicken Hotplate with stinky beanSRp. 78.000,00LRp. 156.000,00
Bebek PanggangRoasted duckWholeRp. 260.000,00HalfRp. 135.000,00
Bebek PeckingRoasted duck pecking styleWholeRp. 285.000,00HalfRp. 147.500,00
Bebek Muda Crispy Saos Ala ThaiCrispy baby duck with thai sauceWholeRp. 210.000,00
Sapo Tahu Seafood Ala Ni HaoBraised seafood with homemade beancurdSRp. 72.000,00LRp. 144.000,00
Angsio Tahu Nenek Moyang Jamur ShimejiBraised homemade beancurd with shimeji mushroomSRp. 62.000,00LRp. 124.000,00
Hot Plate Tahu Saos SeafoodBraised homemade beancurd with seafood in sizzlingSRp. 62.000,00LRp. 124.000,00
Moon Tahu Telur Asin Dengan Mie HongkongSalted egg mun tofu with hongkong noodleSRp. 62.000,00LRp. 124.000,00
Tahu Dengan Ayam CincangHomemade beancurd with chickenSRp. 68.000,00LRp. 136.000,00
Shitake Barbeque & Brokoli Ala Ni HaoBarbequed shitake with seasonal greenSRp. 68.000,00LRp. 136.000,00
Jamur Isi Sayur Mayonese Goreng CrispyFried crispy mayonnise mushroom stuffSRp. 42.000,00LRp. 84.000,00
Tumis Kailan Hongkong Dua RasaTwo flavor hongkong kailanSRp. 68.000,00LRp. 136.000,00
Tomeow Tumis Bawang PutihSauteed tomeow with garlicSRp. 62.000,00LRp. 124.000,00
Terong Goreng Abon AyamDeep fried garden egg with chicken flossSRp. 48.000,00LRp. 96.000,00
Po Chay Bawang PutihPo chay with garlicSRp. 42.000,00LRp. 84.000,00
Baby Buncis Dengan Ikan TeriString bean with anchovy fishSRp. 42.000,00LRp. 84.000,00
Talas Goreng Telur Asin Dengan Abon AyamFried "yam" stick with salty egg & chicken flossSRp. 48.000,00LRp. 96.000,00
Hot Plate Kangkung (Sapi/Ayam)Hot plate water spinach (beef/chicken)(ayam)/porsiRp. 78.000,00(sapi)/porsiRp. 78.000,00
Rice & Noodle
Nasi Goreng Ala Ni HaoFried rice ni hao styleSRp. 42.000,00LRp. 84.000,00
Mie Goreng Ala Ni HaoFried noodle ni hao styleSRp. 42.000,00LRp. 84.000,00
Lo Mie Ulang Tahun Ala Ni HaoSpecial birthday lo mie in nihao styleSRp. 68.000,00LRp. 136.000,00
Beverages & Dessert
OrangeRp. 29.500,00
MelonRp. 27.000,00
Water MelonRp. 27.000,00
StrawberryRp. 27.000,00
KedondongRp. 27.000,00
AvocadoRp. 27.000,00
GuavoRp. 27.000,00
SoursopRp. 27.000,00
Hot/Iced Beverages
Hot Chinese Tea(Cysanthemum, Kuang Yin, Jasmine)Maks 4 CupRp. 32.000,00
Hot/Iced TeaRp. 7.500,00
Hot/Iced Tea With SugarRp. 8.500,00
Hot/Iced Lemon TeaRp. 20.000,00
Hot/Iced Chocolate MilkRp. 20.000,00
Hot/Iced CappuinoRp. 27.000,00
Hot/Iced CoffeeRp. 25.000,00
Hot/Iced Cafe LatteRp. 29.000,00
Hot/Iced Greentea LatteRp. 29.000,00
Hot/Iced Caramel LatteRp. 29.000,00
Green CappucinoRp. 46.000,00
AvogatoRp. 25.000,00
Espresso SingleRp. 23.000,00
Soft Drinks
Mineral WaterRp. 9.000,00
CokeRp. 13.000,00
Beer Bintang (Can)Rp. 35.000,00
Beer Heineken (Can)Rp. 40.000,00
Banana Stick With HoneyRp. 30.000,00
Mix FruitsSRp. 30.000,00MRp. 45.000,00LRp. 60.000,00
Aloe Vera With LemonRp. 16.000,00
Agar Agar NihaoRp. 16.000,00
Chocolate MagicChoco powder mocca syrup honey mints milkRp. 34.000,00
Avocado DreamAvocado milk coffee cream mocca syrupRp. 34.000,00
MetorMelon, lemon, mango, watermelonRp. 31.000,00
Rainbow GlowAvocado, mango, papaya, saoursopRp. 31.000,00
Green ForestChaisim pineapple lemon syrupRp. 31.000,00
Coco OrangeOrange sunquick calpicco soda coconut syrupRp. 31.000,00