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  • 5.0  
    Seoul Yummy [ Kemang, Korea ]

    My heart, first of all, belonged to the stone-bowl kimchee bibimbap

    My heart, first of all, belonged to the stone-bowl kimchee bibimbap. Had I touched that stone bowl, my skin would have been welded to it. Kimchee, pickled bean sprouts, marinated ground meat, mushroom, seaweed, carrot, octopus and daikon pickles, and egg sat atop steaming hot rice, which had a crusty bottom from its time atop a hot stove. The rice, I might add, is tastier than most. The stone-bowl heat to a safe temperature once mixed into the works. It’s a yummy, yummy experience.

    Menu yang dipesan: Sarang Bimbimbab, Corn Tea

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!
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