My second time to Kakolait. This time I ordered the waffle. So they actually have 2 types of waffle; thick and crispy or light and crispy. Of course I ordered the light and crispy one. And I have to say, this is the best WAFFLE so far around gading serpong area. It's all chocolate, even the waffle is chocolate.
The place is very nice as well. I once came to do work and I stay a bit long and I was hungry. I asked the waiter whether I am allowed to order food via gojek since they dont serve savoury food and they say YES.
The hot chocolate with marshmallow is also nice. I really recommend this place to those who love chocolate and a bit bored with coffee place. Here is chocolate place. IG @nadiasnibbles
Menu yang dipesan: Sinfully Chocolate waffle, American Marshmallow
Udah lama banget naksir pengen coba porto, setiap kali lewatin ruko2 gading serpong, selalu kepengen mampir tapi sayangnya pasti udah ada janji di restoran lain... dan akhirnya karena ada traktiran di Porto, I can finally try this restaurant.
We ordered a lot of food!! Here is what we ordered: 1. Beef fondue. Ini daging yang dipotong2, dan tingkat kematangannya bisa request and ofcourse I request medium. why medium? karena suka sebel sama resto2 local, when we ask medium, they serve medium well... jadi lebih baik medium aja. Dannnn surprisingly, yeah, it's medium (a bit medium rare sih but I'm okay). Enak banget dagingnya empuk2... saosnya malah menurutku biasa aja krn dagingnya di makan tanpa saos aja udah enak.. 2. Steak de porto. Menurut ku ini versi utuhnya beef fondue. Pesennya tetep medium juga dan enakk parah. I prefer this one compare to beef fondue karena lebih less oily ya, dan di makan pake cooked garlic. Super yum! *notes: frenchfriesnya juga enak bingits! 3. Australian hakata steak. Dagingnya menurut aku agak lebih berserat. Dan utk hakata steak, we can cook the meat again on top of a hot plate sampai kematangan yang diinginkan. 4. Caesar salad. Dimana2 caesar salad ya rasanya gitu2 aja, cuman yang ini enak karena kombinasinya sama roast chicken and bacon... super yum! 5. Nachos. Didn't eat a lot of nachos, tapi kalau ke sini ramai2 sama temen2, ya ini wajib dipesen juga. 6. Herb calamari rings. This is their signature calamari. Too bad I didn't get to try this since i'm on diet waktu itu, but my friends said it's sooo good, so i will definitely come back for this.
So yeah, bicara soal tempat: tempatnya pewe dan enak, walaupun agak kecil yaaa jadi kalau lagi rame, expect suasananya bakall noisy banget. Kalau bicara soal harga: the food worth the price!! Will be back? yes ofcourse!!! (ig: @nadiasnibbles)
Menu yang dipesan: Ice/Hot Tea, Australian Hamburg Melting Cheese, Australian Hakata Steak, Hanging Tender, Mexican Nachos, Caesar Chicken Salad, Steak de Porto, Herbs Calamari Rings, Beef Fondue