Foto Profil Novi Ps

Novi Ps

292 Review | 131 Makasih
Alfa 2018 Level 12
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  • 2.0  
    Potato Corner [ Pasir Kaliki, Snack ]

    Kentang goreng

    Biasalah kalo anak2 suka banget kentang goreng
    Nah ini salah satu yang jualan di mall
    Porsinya sedikit dan harganya mahal, murahan beli di fast Food sih
    Lalu paling Ga demen dengan perasanya yang kualitas rendah padahal harga uda mahal, micin banget🙄 dan pewarnanya banyak banget, Ga sehat, baru kali ini nyobain dan Ga berencana bakal beli lagi

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 4.0  
    Wendy's [ Braga ]

    Spicy fried chicken

    This is my first time visit this store
    I usually choose its famous competitors, but this time when my son ask me for fries and No choice at this mall, i try this one

    Located in front of Transmart, Ground Level, have outdoor and indoor area, quite Big space, and No crowded or queeing

    I try new menu, i look at the leaflet in front casier area, spicy chicken, wow... over my expectation, i taste its spicy chicken is better than the competitor, crunchy and spicy powder inside

    For fries, not So crunchy, but still Ok

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!