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2 Review | 1 Makasih
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Urutkan berdasarkan: Tanggal
  • 4.2  
    Padre [ Bogor Timur, Italia ]

    love the ambience!

    when I arrived, the parking lot was quite narrow so I got to park in the car in front of the house next to the padre. when I entered, the ambiance was very comfortable and nice. The waiter was very friendly and patient.

    I ordered tortellini carbonara & spaghetti polo e peperoncino, the carbonara was really good but the polo e peperoncini was not really my kind of taste because it was too much of a tomatoes.

    for a finisher, i ordered red velvet gelato and it was surprisingly good! i kinda regret for only buy it one.

    Menu yang dipesan: tortellini carbonara, spaghetti polo e peperoncino, Red Velvet Gelato

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    1 pembaca berterima kasih.