Review Pelanggan untuk Sapu Lidi

Dine in the middle of field

oleh Janice Agatha, 29 Mei 2017 (hampir 8 tahun yang lalu)

Foto Makanan di Sapu Lidi
Foto Makanan di Sapu Lidi

Ambience restorannya sangat natural dengan petak-petak sawah kecil dan saung-saung beratapkan jerami dan dibangun dari kayu ditambah alunan musik sunda. Menunya lumayan bervariasi dari ayam, ikan, daging, yang diolah khas masakan sunda.
Ayam Kaseheupan

This was one of their signature menu, satu ekor ayam yang dimasak dengan asap selama 3 hari. Bumbunya meresep banget sampe ke dalem daging, rasa smokinessnya medok dan daging ayamnya juga empuk. This was unique and delicious, worth to try.
Ikan Penunggu Sapu Lidi

Don't know the exact name of the fish, but it was the small fish one. Fried until everything is as crispy as kerupuk. For me the smaller the better since you can just put the whole fish into your mouth without worrying picking out the bones.
Cah Genjer

It was quite plain leh. No tauco or even terasi. Just a plain vegetable to color your plate with some green.
We ask for sambal terasi, and it came out cold. Not sure wether they make it in-house or not. Food taste wise it was delicious and satisfying. It just that the smell of animal poo (maybe pupuk) was too damn strong. Need to put more attention into it.

Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000

Makasih Infonya!


Sapu Lidi


Komplek Graha Puspa
Jl. Sersan Bajuri, Lembang, Bandung

Rata-rata: 3.9


Foto Profil Janice Agatha

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