Cumi Cumi Restaurant - Grand Dafam Ancol  [ Barat,Italia,Jepang,Indonesia ]
4.33 3 review

Cumi Cumi Restaurant - Grand Dafam Ancol

[ Barat,Italia,Jepang,Indonesia ]
4.33 3 review
Harga : rasa

Grand Dafam Ancol, Lantai Lobby
Jl. Lodan Raya No. 2A, Ancol, Jakarta Utara

Belum Buka - Sabtu (06:00 - 22:00)

Belum Buka Senin - Minggu (06:00 - 22:00)

Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000 /orang

Cumi Cumi Restaurant - Grand Dafam Ancol [ Ancol ]

  • Tipe KulinerBarat,Italia,Jepang,Indonesia
  • Jam Buka
    Belum Buka
  • PembayaranTunai, Debet


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Review dari pengunjung untuk Cumi Cumi Restaurant - Grand Dafam Ancol

Foto Profil Levina JV (IG : @levina_eat & @levinajv)

Alfa 2022

1591 Review

Level 19

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Dimsum Seafood BBQ Pancake Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Iftar Buffet

Rayakan bulan suci ramadhan dengan berkumpul bersama keluarga / sahabat / kolega dengan menikmati hidangan berbuka puasa ala maroko di Cumi-Cumi Restaurant By Grandin di granddafamancol . Variannya yang beragam , tempatnya yang nyaman , serta pelayanannya yang ramah , pastinya 100% halal . Penasaran? Cus langsung aja merapat dan cobain Moroccan Harmony Iftar by grandin , selamat berbuka .

💸 : 175K-250K/pax
📍 : Grand Dafam Ancol , Marina Mediterania Tower A , Ancol , Jakarta Utara , Jakarta

Menu yang dipesan: Buffet

Tanggal kunjungan: 23 Maret 2023
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Jacklyn  || IG: @antihungryclub

Alfa 2023

1170 Review

Level 14

Steak Ramen Dimsum Kopi Bakmi Pasta Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


New Year Party 🥳

Do you know where is the best place to celebrate new year? Grand Dafam Hotel is the answer 🥳🥳.

In the last day of 2022, Grand Dafam Hotel has been held a new year event with tropical party as the theme. If you paid to join the party, you would get a paper bracelete in your hand, used tropical outfit as dress code, and the important... ate buffet whatever you want 😍😍.

The menu was also diverse. They had Indonesian cuisine, kebab, western cuisine, middle east cuisine, fruit, drink, and also a dessert. The ambience also nice, neat, and not really fancy like in a hotel in general. But, the place is super wide and super cozy ❤. The service was also nice and friendly.

I try:

1). Bolognaise Pasta: I though it would be only have sour taste but, no. It was yummy, the pasta texture was aldente and they also had a sour-savoury taste. I like it.

2). Shawarma: This beef and the bread was super tasty and had a rich taste. Not only, that i love the taste from the mushroom sauce. Dominan with savoury taste and mmm... yum ^^.

3). Kebab: It's also yummy, the chicken was super tasty and the taste was also rich. I love it so much <3 .

4). Fried Noodle: The texture was aldente, the taste was dominant in savoury, and the topping was good also.

5). Tahu Gejrot: Too ordinary i think. It depends on how you but the sauce to the tofu. Not really spicy at all.

6). Dessert: All of the dessert in here was have a perfect sweet taste. Not oversweet and in some chocolate cake, it was also have a bitter hint.

Overalll, all of the food was nice and out of my expectation. Would love to eat in here again. Hope in the future i can celebrate it in here 😍😍.

Tanggal kunjungan: 03 Januari 2023
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Jacklyn  || IG: @antihungryclub

Alfa 2023

1170 Review

Level 14

Steak Ramen Dimsum Kopi Bakmi Pasta Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Masih Oke

Cumi-Cumi Cafe -- Karena gue sempat memutuskan staycation di Grand Dafam Hotel, Ancol. Akhirnya, gue balik lagi buat breakfast di sini. Bisa dibilang, ini kedua kalinya, sih gue makan di sini.

Untuk hari pertama, gue makan Sosis, Pasta, Red Bean, Buah Semangka & Pepaya, sama Telur Dadar.

1). Sosis: Rasa sosisnya masih sama, dia rasanya full daging di mulut, tasty, gurih, dan gak kebanyakan tepung.

2). Pasta: Kalau kemarin pastanya disajikan carbonara, kali ini disajikan secara aglio olio. Jujur, sih kali ini rasanya plain, gak terlalu tasty dan cuma kerasa asin. Jadi, kalau kalian mau lebih tasty, wajib dimakan bareng si red bean-nya.

3). Red Bean: Rasa red beannya didominasi asam (seperti bolognaise), gurih, dan asin. Cocok dicampur sama pastanya biar gak tawar.

4). Buah Semangka & Pepaya: Buahnya masih fresh.

5). Telur dadar: Telurnya jauh lebih tasty dibanding yang mata sapi kemarin aku coba. Rasa asinnya lebih keluar.

Kalau hari kedua, aku makan Roti (rasa cokelat dan keju), sereal, dan telur dadar dikasih isi.

1). Roti: Rotinya lumayan, meski luarnya agak ketebelan. Tapi, tekstur rotinya tetap lembut. Dan isian di dalamnya (cokelat dan kejunya) termasuk cukup dan rasanya juga tasty. Alias rasa manis si cokelat dan gurih si kejunya kerasa di mulut.

2). Sereal: Aku pilih sereal cokelat sama corn flakes dengan susu. Sereal cokelatnya mereka gak pakai k*k* kr*nch, aku kurang tau apa merknya. Tapi, sereal ini, rasanya lebih manis. Susunya beda sama yang kemarin, kalau yang kali ini, rasa susunya sama seperti fresh milk kotakkan pada umumnya.

3). Telur: Telurnya kali ini didadar, tapi, bedanya yang sekarang dikasih isian (kemungkinan paprika). Rasanya jauh lebih gurih, lebih enak, dan lebih tasty dibanding telur-telur sebelumnya.

Ambience tempatnya oke, bersih. Dan di sini disediakannya buffet. Pelayanan ramah dan friendly.

Tanggal kunjungan: 19 Mei 2021
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!

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