Review Pelanggan untuk Dough Lab
sweet cookie
oleh auroradiary19 , 20 Maret 2020 (hampir 5 tahun yang lalu)
1 pembaca berterima kasih
Cookies make the world a better place. As they said, I'll try this super booming cookies yang antriannya lebay banget haha.. And 90% food blogger said it's super worth it! Uda cobain sekali cuma banyak yang abis waktu itu jadi I try my luck again!
THE BFF (50K/PC) - crispy on the edge, chewy in the middle chocolate chip cookie. Not a fan of this one. Kalo yang ini wah kayaknya ketumpahan garam, karena asin banget, apalagi teksturnya tipis jadi makin omg (5/10)
FLOWER CHILD - vegan cookies with organic coconut oil, coconut milk, dark chocolate chunks and organic brown sugar. It's 100% plant based and yes the taste is definitely different from original cookies. Very unique but somehow me likey (8/10)
THE DUCHESS (55K/PC) - giant chocolate chip cookie with chocolate chunks and walnuts. Not a fan of walnuts tp sebenernya base cookiesnya enak. Garamnya ga rata, jadi ada yang asin ada yang still super manis (6/10)
GOLD DIGGER (55K/PC) - dark chocolate cookies with molten peanut butter filling. OMG love this one! Asin dan ga terlalu manis. Tekstur cookiesnya pun oke. Inputnya cuma 1 sih, pb fillingnya kurang banyak, rada pelit cuma ditengah gitu aja (8/10)
THE BRIDE (75K/4PCS) - chewy white and milk chocolate chip cookies. Nah yang ini somehow my top no 1 fav, padahal biasa paling gasuka white chocolate tp it combines well with the cookies. Simple tapi nagih! (9/10)
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000