Review Pelanggan untuk Kitchenette
Went to Kitchenette cabang Lippo Mall Puri last night.
Yang di cabang Puri Indah ini persisnya di outdoor area Lippo Mall, jadi harusnya eye-catching.
If you are coffee lover then this is the right place for you, karena bersebelahan dengan Djournal coffee, yang sama-sama part of Ismaya Group. So you can have brunch and good coffee at the same time.
Came at dinner time, jadi bisa ngerasain ambience yang hangat. You read it right, hangat, gak tau kenapa disini ga dingin, cenderung panas, ya hopefully kalau kesini pas hujan jadi ga gerah kok hehe.
Tempatnya sendiri lumayan cantik, dengan design khas Ismaya Group yang cocok untuk chill. Ga terlalu besar, tapi masih oke kalau mau kesini bareng teman-teman celebrate Christmas, birthday atau anniversary dengan pasangan.
Beberapa menu yang aku pesan:
- ham & truffle mushroom: salah satu menu savoury galettes, cocok untuk share sebagai makanan pembuka sih. Contains of ham (choose between chicken/pork), mozzarella, truffle mushroom, and egg.
Comes with tartar sauce. For me, kombinasi rasanya ga spesial, tapi I love each of the elements here. I love the truffle mushroom, truffle nya strong dan emphasize overall taste. Also the pork ham that we chose. Overall, this one is a right choice.
- spam fries: not your basic fries! It comes with spam (🐷) disajikan dengan sriracha mayo. Overall ini comfort food anak-anak sih, siapa yang ga suka fries hayo? But for us as well, since ada fried spam stick nya. Unique! Baru discover this kind of menu di Kitchenette. How about the sriracha mayo? Also unique, perpaduan yang match, fries, spam dicocol ke mayonaise yang kental, interesting?
- mediteranian john dory fish: nothing special. Dominan rasa tomat. This kind of dish is not for everyone. Tapi ya not bad rasanya hehe. Based on preferences saja.
- kitchenette steak frites: 200gr AUS wagyu ribeye steak comes with mushroom sauce and garlic butter. Aku request extra truffle mushroom ❤️ to be honest, rasa steak nya not impressive. Just okay. Mushroom sauce nya unik, kental tekstur nya, not your ordinary mushroom sauce LOL, tapi gak tau kenapa, rasanya cenderung bukan seperti mushroom sauce.
Better request tingkat kematangan medium atau medium well supaya dalamnya ga keras, dan saat di-serve harus langsung dimakan ya, supaya masih juicy. Overall lumayan recommended.
- baked truffle macaroni: this one is the highlight. Lagi-lagi it comes with truffle mushroom yang membuat hidangan ini makin flavorful dan berasa "class" (ya if you like truffle tho he he he) macaroni dan cheese nya gurih asin, kalau untuk share sih ga bikin enek, tapi overall ini cheesy dan lumayan strong. Love it!
- tex-mex quesadillas: rasanya unik, tapi not my type of food jadi aku kurang enjoy this one. Dalamnya ada chicken, corn, jalapeno, mozzarella, habanero, sour cream dan bell pepper.
Walaupun rasanya 'ga masuk' lidahku, I might say I can really taste all the elements inside. Jelas banget rasanya, terutama jalapeno, habanero, dan sour cream nya.
- southern boneless fried chicken: yang kita pilih, comes with waffle, maple syrup and chili butter. This one is interesting, also look nice at plating. Aku cobain fried chicken nya disiram maple syrup, rasanya enak, the chicken itself is crunchy dan flavorful, sementara maple syrup nya bikin overall jadi 'harmonis' gitu, ngasih sentuhan manis jadi rasanya ga membosankan, dan asik lho perpaduannya. Hopefully the waffle is also nice at texture.
- spanish lemonade: ENAK ❤️❤️❤️ Much love for this one. Segar banget. Aku kira akan super asam, ternyata balance kok, dan ga terlalu 'soda' walaupun mereka pakai soda. Recommended, apalagi diminum siang-siang saat cuaca sedang panas-panasnya! Dominan flavor : orange, me likey~
- berry nice smoothies: smoothies sehat, terbuat dari blueberry, mango, banana dan yoghurt, tapi karakter kuat nya banana sih hahaha, I hope this one would be more "berry" instead of banana haha.
- popeye's punch: the best seller one but turns out biasa aja rasanya. Contains of mango, kiwi, spinach and yoghurt, tapi dominan spinach dan kiwi hehe. Berasa sehat sih minum ini.
Overall yang kita cobain enak-enak dan porsinya pas (ga terlalu besar tapi ga kecil juga). My personal recommendation: spam fries and truffle baked macaroni.
Oh ya, kalau butuh air dengan es batu, mereka bisa sediakan, request saja~
Service is nice. Walaupun ada waitress yang kurang senyum.
Food serving time around 20-25 min.
I will definitely be back.
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000