Review Pelanggan untuk Lemari Kopi

The Perfect Place for a Working Spot

oleh @bondtastebuds , 27 Januari 2021 (3 tahun yang lalu)

Foto Makanan di Lemari Kopi
Foto Makanan di Lemari Kopi

Lemari Kopi is a small cute coffee shop located in Jalan Wahid Hasyim. It has an ample parking space, fast wifi and electric plugs. I guess it could be an alternative working space if you're bored with your office environment. Lemari Kopi also has a lot of games in their cupboard if you're bored doing your job haha.

Apparently this one is a branch with its main store located in BSD which has a better atmosphere and interior.

I forgot to take pictures of the food and drinks but I had their Kopi Stroberi and Cireng Pasar. The coffee was unique, its bitter taste was combined with the sweet taste of the strawberries. Though I personally is not a fan, it may find its admirer someday.

Overall, it's a nice place to be an alternative working spot!

- Cheers

#BondEats #SeketikaLapar

IG: @bondtastebuds

Foto lainnya:

Foto Makanan di Lemari Kopi

Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000

Makasih Infonya!


Lemari Kopi


LMPP Building
Jl. KH Wahid Hasyim No. 10, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat

Rata-rata: 4.3


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