Review Pelanggan untuk Masakan Padang Siang Malam Juanda
The Magic Show
oleh @bondtastebuds , 22 Maret 2021 (hampir 4 tahun yang lalu)
RM Padang Siang Malam is one of the best place to see a magic show and eat Padangnese food in Jakarta. Like your typical Padangnese restaurant in Jakarta, you don't really need to see the menu, once you sit down, each and every food available will be presented to your. The waiter will carry a lot of plates containing your food on the arm as if they were plate jugglers. Within seconds, your food is prepares. A magic show indeed.
They offer all sorts of Padangnese food. Rendang, fried chicken, fish even exotic part of a cow such as tunjang and its brain. Tastewise, they are delicious!
- Cheers!
#BondEats #SeketikaLapar
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000