Review Pelanggan untuk Pizza Maru

Unique and delicious pizza! Must try!

oleh auroradiary19 , 27 November 2019 (5 tahun yang lalu)

1 pembaca berterima kasih

Foto Makanan di Pizza Maru

Honey Butter Chicken

Foto Makanan di Pizza Maru

CHEESY MARU OPPA (regular - 95K) - maru spiced chicken, smoked beef, onion, mushroom, broccoli, cherry tomato, alfredo sauce, bbq sauce, sour cream sauce and mozzarella cheese. Baru pertama kali coba green tea dough and surprisingly enakkkk. Ga terlalu enek walaupun toppingnya keju berlimpah ruah. Love it (9/10)

REAL CHICAGO PIZZA (regular - 200K) - double mozzarella cheese, string cheese, beef pepperoni, tomato, parmesan cheese, icing sugar and tomato sauce. Their strawberry jam on side is really genius! dan pizza jenis ini terbuat dari black rice dough. Enak pake banget yg versi ini.. will be perfect kalau icing sugarnya dikurangin karena terlalu manis ujungnya. But overall, YUMMY! (9/10)

STEAK CHICAGO PIZZA (regular -220K) - double mozzarella cheese, string cheese, beef steak, korea style bulgabi, beef pepperoni, tomato, parmesan cheese, icing sugar and tomato sauce. Kurang suka yang versi ini, enak cuma terlalu banyak jenis beefnya jadi tumpang tindih. Untung ada strawberry jam yang bener2 penyelamat sih! (7/10)

GARLIC BBQ CHICKEN PIZZA (regular - 95K) - marinated chicken, smoked beef, onion, mushroom, garlic, bell pepper, steak bulgabi sauce cherry tomato, mozzarella cheese. With additional special crust (GOLD EDGE - 25K) - a combination of sweet potato mousse and 2 types of cheese. Kalo yang ini dough standard tapi yang bikin menarik crustnya pake sweet potato and not all restaurant could make a really great one! yang ini enak sih, ga terlalu enek ubinya dan compliment well with the pizza. (8/10)

KOREAN FRIED CHICKEN? YES, PLEASE :) I do order their HONEY BUTTER CHICKEN (6pcs - 85K) which look very appealing. Aduh ku jatuh cinta sama fried chicken-nya. Not too sweet or salty, just perfect! That crunchiness is on point! (9/10)

KIMCHI BULGOGI TOWER (90K) - bulgogi beef, roast kimchi, bell pepper, onion, cabbage, mushroom, seaweed. Not a fan of kimchi tapi yang ini aku bisa makan. enaaaak dan kimchinya juga ga terlalu pedes. Komponennya ga tumpang tindih dan sausnya bikin keseluruhan jadi pas! (9/10)

SHRIMP OIL PASTA (85K) with onion, mushroom, garlic, butter, shrimp and parmesan cheese. This is simple but packed - full of flavor. Price is a little bit high compare to other but it’s okay. (8/10)

Overall love their dish that been serve. Delicious pizza, yummy fried chicken and the other food is good as well! Can’t wait to try other dish beside pizza!

Foto lainnya:

Foto Makanan di Pizza Maru
Foto Makanan di Pizza Maru
Foto Makanan di Pizza Maru
Foto Makanan di Pizza Maru
Foto Makanan di Pizza Maru

Menu yang dipesan: honey butter chicken, Kimchi Bulgogi Tower, shrimp oil pasta, Steak Chicago Pizza, Cheesy Maru Oppa, Real Chicago Pizza, garlic bbq chicken pizza

Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000

Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.


Pizza Maru


Grand Indonesia Mall, Lantai 3A, East Mall
Jl. MH Thamrin, Thamrin, Jakarta Pusat

Rata-rata: 3.9


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