Review Pelanggan untuk Seruput
Not Bad
oleh liviacwijaya, 01 Desember 2015 (sekitar 9 tahun yang lalu)
The seat that I had was not that comfortable, since it's a little round table, connected to each other. Their smoking room is actually inside, which I found rather odd. Their soto ayam is refreshing, it's quite zesty, but I like bold taste. The asinan taste's authentic. They made the sauce with not too much peanut essence. Nasi goreng kambing has unique taste, but not in a way that you're gonna come back to eat it again. Nothing special about the kue cubit, but the pindang soup is nice.
Foto lainnya:
Menu yang dipesan: Soto Ayam, Asinan, Nasi Goreng Kambing, Kue cubit
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Grand Indonesia Mall, Lantai 3A, West Mall
Jl. MH Thamrin, Thamrin, Jakarta Pusat