Review Pelanggan untuk Sinou
High Class Fritters!
oleh @bondtastebuds , 28 Februari 2021 (sekitar 4 tahun yang lalu)
Hey #Tastebuddies! We stumbled upon this coffee shop because of @pergikuliner 's coupun.
Little did we know, @sinoukaffe turns out to be a cute spacious coffee shop offering various delicious food.
Bon(d) went here a couple of days ago after work for a quick dinner. The menu was interesting, we ended ordering Bakwan, Tempe Mendoan, Nasi Goreng Sirlion and a rice bowl.
The food came in an asthetic pastel plates. Even the small bowls for the sauce were aesthetic.
The Bakwan and Tempe Mendoans were great. It tasted fresh and healthier than your regular "gorengan abang-abang", it even contain chopped scallions giving them a twist.
However, my favorite will be their Nasi Goreng Sirloin. The rice was flavourful, the chunks of beef were tender and tasty.
Sinou Kaffe definitely deserves a second visit from us!
- Cheers!
IG: @bondtastebuds
#BondEats #SeketikaLapar
Menu yang dipesan: tempe mendoan, Bakwan, Nasi Goreng Sirloin
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000