Ada yang sangat menarik perhatian kita nih di @dapur_pak_e !! Yes Soto Susu plus Indomie dongg ~ Aneh? Gakkk! Cocookkk lohhh ~ Dan mereka pakai sedikit bumbu indomienya jadi cita rasa khas indomienya tetep berasa 😋😋 Yang terpenting disini ialah mereka pakai SUSU bukan santan, sehingga lebih sehat untuk dikonsumsi ~ Walau pakai susu tetap berasa gurih loh. Nikmatt!! 🤤
Selain menu ini disini juga menyediakan Soto Betawi, Oseng-Oseng, Sop Iga, Ayam Goreng, Ayam Penyet, dll.
I was a fan of soto susu, i like the fact that it uses milk instead of coconut milk, i think it's more tasty, mild, and healthy too.
Recently, i just knew that soto pak E is also using milk, so i tried their soto betawi.
I like the soto betawi, it is so tasty, the meat was quite a lot too.
But for the oseng2 daging, i didn't like it, it is a little too much spice on the meat, and i think it didn't match with the soto soup. Then the meat was also fewer than the ordinary soto betawi.
For comparation, my score for the soto betawi daging is 5/5, while for the oseng daging is ony 2/5.. i wouldn't order it anymore..
Pak E' soto betawi is now one of my favourite soto in town.. :D
Menu yang dipesan: Soto Betawi, oseng2 daging
Tanggal kunjungan: 16 Juni 2017 Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000