Review Pelanggan untuk Sudestada

Steak time (must try iced basilica cafe)

oleh auroradiary19 , 14 Februari 2020 (sekitar 5 tahun yang lalu)

5 pembaca berterima kasih ( Makasih terbanyak)

Foto Makanan di Sudestada


Foto Makanan di Sudestada


After eating bakmi and es jeruk at St. Theresia, we went to Sudestada for chillin at Val's day lol. The restaurant itself is do prepare for tonight's couple dinner (balloons, food, decoration, everything). So, I have 1.5 hours to have drink in here before totally closed for half an hour. Looking forward about the food taste.

For appetizer, I choose MATAMBRE (160K) - grilled rose meat (thin layer of meat between the ribs and the skin). OMG taste amazing but it's hard to chew hiks. And I don't read that small letter 'for sharing' so I have to finish it by myself. But that spice and the sauce itself is delicious !!! (7/10)

Their signature coffee is eye-catching so I boldly insist trying their BASILICA ICE CAFE (45K) - combination of espresso, basil, mango juice, passion fruit syrup and carbonated tea. Everyone has their own take on the mix and match drink -- this is truly unique but crazily works and taste great. I could taste all the elements and it is fantastic! (10/10)

AFFOGATO (40K) - if we choose with ice, it will come with a cup of vanilla icecream. ICED VANILLA LATTE (40K). Both is simple drink that there's no way it will taste bad. The coffee strong enough, flavor bold, great combination and price wise (8/10)

Foto lainnya:

Foto Eksterior di Sudestada
Foto Eksterior di Sudestada
Foto Interior di Sudestada
Foto Interior di Sudestada
Foto Interior di Sudestada
Foto Makanan di Sudestada
Foto Makanan di Sudestada
Foto Interior di Sudestada
Foto Makanan di Sudestada

Menu yang dipesan: BASILICA ICE CAFE, APPETIZERS, MATAMBRE, Affogato, Ice Vanilla Latte

Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000

Makasih Infonya!
5 pembaca berterima kasih.




Jl. Biliton No. 15, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat

Rata-rata: 4.1


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