Review Pelanggan untuk Coffee At Louis

sensational flat white.. tapiiii.. 😱

oleh @supeririy , 25 Februari 2017 (sekitar 8 tahun yang lalu)

1 pembaca berterima kasih

Foto Makanan di Coffee At Louis

Slider trio

Foto Makanan di Coffee At Louis

karaage chicken

💰➡️ harga kopi2nya in a range of IDR 30K-35K. yg bombastis harga makanannya dibandrol IDR 60K blom termasuk 10% tax dan 5% service charge.

☕️🍲🍟🍔➡️ First thing first.. the flat white coffee is one of the best in town! kudos for the barista and the owner 👏🏻👏🏻 then comes the mini burgers.. endessss brosis! mereka pake brioche as the bun which is kinda sweet and soft bun type so ada sensasi kontras between savoury fillings and sweet buns! ada beberapa types for the burgers, supeririy tried 3 of them: classic, rendang beef and karaage chicken.. the rendang ones is Da BOMB!! dagingnya super empuk dan udah disuwir2 gt dan bumbu rendangnya pas gt ga terlalu padeh (read: pedes 😁). Temen eke pesen karaage chicken+rice, kata doi cukup memuaskan. Tapi... (baca sampe kelar ya)!!

🏠➡️ tempatnya super kece dan instagramable bgt. dominan warna putih jd ga berasa remang2. ada outdoor seats buat yg mau smoking dan indoor w/ airco.

❤️➡️ yg disenengin dr coffee at louis karena memang jualan coffee yg enak not abal2. staff nya jg very helpful dan ramah2 meskipun cowo smua hihi. pas kemari ada ownernya dan suaminya yg ternyata bule jd mereka sibuk nyapa2 customers dll.

💔➡️ sebenernya aga ragu mau nulis satu complaint but secara supeririy harus being honest, here we go.. pas temen eke order karaage chicken, he found several hairs inside his plate! yups ada rambut!!! 😱😱 but he was being cool jd kita ga ngebalikin makanannya dan ga minta ganti. rumour has it klo kita komplain ke any resto blg ada rambut di makanannya, most of the time makanannya ga diganti cmn di arrange ulang. jd hopeless jg kan? Lesson learned, next time I cone back, just order cookie/sweets and coffee. So 2 stars buat pelayanan dan kebersihan 😁

Foto lainnya:

Foto Interior di Coffee At Louis
Foto Makanan di Coffee At Louis
Foto Menu di Coffee At Louis
Foto Interior di Coffee At Louis
Foto Menu di Coffee At Louis

Menu yang dipesan: Slider trio, karaage chicken, wall decor, Flat white

Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000

Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.


Coffee At Louis


Jl. Trunojoyo No. 69, Tegalsari, Surabaya

Rata-rata: 3.8


Foto Profil @supeririy

385 Review

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