Review Pelanggan untuk Imperial Kitchen & Dimsum
good place for haven a chinese cuisine
oleh liviacwijaya, 20 Agustus 2015 (9 tahun yang lalu)
[Ikan Malas Tim Cabe Potong Rp.69.900]
Their Ikan Malas was nice, steamed and herbed beautifully. The fish was tender and the sauce was quite delicious.
[Gurame Goreng Kering Rp.59.900]
Gurame Goreng Kering fried well too. Although, I actually preferred it to be cooked with sauce since it was rather plain for me to be eaten alone. Salty enough, but needed more chili and stuff.
[Tumis Brokoli dengan Udang Rp.51.900]
Their broccoli was not bad. Fresh, a bit plain for me, but not that it doesn't have any taste at all. The shrimp in the middle was so so.
Foto lainnya:
Menu yang dipesan: ikan malas tim cabe potong, gurame goreng kering, tumis brokoli dengan udang
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000