LeeLoo Siomay  [ Indonesia ]
3.6 2 review
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LeeLoo Siomay

[ Indonesia ]
3.6 2 review
Harga : rasa

Jl. Kelapa Puan Raya Blok AF1 No. 35, Gading Serpong, Serpong, Tangerang

Tidak Buka Lagi 021 5478910, 085100458910

021 5478910, 085100458910

Tidak Buka Lagi Senin - Jumat (10:00 - 21:00), Sabtu - Minggu (08:00 - 21:00)

Di bawah Rp. 50.000 /orang

LeeLoo Siomay [ Gading Serpong ]

  • Tutup
  • Tipe KulinerIndonesia
  • Jam Buka
    Tidak Buka Lagi
  • Websitehttp://www.siomayleeloo.com
  • PembayaranTunai, Debet
  • Cabang: ya


Bekerja di sini? Klaim untuk perbarui info
  • Picture 1432722845
    https://assets-pergikuliner.com/Tj10IET1xt-dZDCsedhXeFu0tbw=/385x290/smart/https://assets-pergikuliner.com/uploads/image/picture/57923/picture-1432722845.JPG 1x, https://assets-pergikuliner.com/p2jKrpCV-4jCFkd5Gbex5LigyCY=/770x580/smart/filters:no_upscale()/https://assets-pergikuliner.com/uploads/image/picture/57923/picture-1432722845.JPG 2x

Review dari pengunjung untuk LeeLoo Siomay

Foto Profil liviacwijaya

507 Review

Level 13

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Seafood Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


High Quality Siomay

This LeeLoo Siomay is one of the best siomay I've ever tasted. It was gooey, and you can tell that they used enough fish instead of just flour and seasonings. The portion were okay, it's a bit pricey but worthed. They blend it pretty well, so that there were no lump inside the siomay, and the peanut sauce were wonderful too! A bit of lime and sweet soy sauce on top, let's dig in!

Menu yang dipesan: Siomay

Tanggal kunjungan: 28 November 2015
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil foodfaith

201 Review

Level 10

Bakmi Dessert


ini lho Siomay paling enak di Gading...

Siomay imut di deket sektor 1a gading serpong ini memang siomay imut cabe rawit rasanya kenyal... asinnya passs... ditambah andalan dgn bumbu kacang ga ada tandingannya... siomay ini jg jadi langganan adek co maupun adek cew gue,, walau harga sebuah siomay rata2 diatas 5000 rph tp ttp worth it dari gigitan pertama...

Menu yang dipesan: Siomay, Kentang, pare

Tanggal kunjungan: 14 Mei 2015
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!

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