My Mom's Bistro  [ China,Barat ]
3.73 3 review
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My Mom's Bistro

[ China,Barat ]
3.73 3 review

My Mom's Bistro [ Gading Serpong ]

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  • Tipe KulinerChina,Barat
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Review dari pengunjung untuk My Mom's Bistro

Foto Profil liviacwijaya

507 Review

Level 13

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Seafood Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Cute Barn Decoration, Yummy food

First I'll talk about the ambience. The decoration was quite nice. There's cute wooden wall, to make this look like a vintage-barn. They need to do something about the lighting, though. Most of the rays were captured on my camera, and feel a bit gloomy when I went here. They also didn't turn on music. Maybe that's one of the reason why.

So they had 2 different style of foods in two different menus. There're asians and westerns. We tried their western food:

[Chicken Creamy Cheese Rp.40.000]

Too much cream for me. They need to add more cheese and herbs on this because the taste was too milky and creamy. But the pasta was al dente, and the sauce's density was enough. The portion was huge too :)

[Fish and chips Rp.55.000]
They present the fish and chips on a pan. Kind of remind me of some other restaurant. Good presentation, they already cut the fish into 7 and fried them. The outside were so crispy and tasty, and the fishes were tender. It was a little bit hard to cut it in a good shape, though. Maybe because the flour doesn't really glued to the fish or the fish's fibers a bit off. The tartar sauce was amazing! And the salad was really delicious too.

[Iced Tea Tarik Rp.14.000]

Good, milky Thai tea. A bit creamier and milkier than usual, but I like it.

Overall I had a good meal here, the price was affordable too, the place was not bad, the food were okay.

Menu yang dipesan: chicken creamy cheese spaghetti, Fish and Chips, Iced tea tarik

Tanggal kunjungan: 24 November 2015
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Kevin L - 林勇利

Alfa 2023

1714 Review

Level 18

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Dimsum Seafood BBQ Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Berasa di Lumbung (a.k.a. Barn)

Menjelang hari raya Idul Fitri, tempat makan sudah mulai pada tutup. Makin susah buat nyari makan. Tapi untungnya masih ada yang rajin dan buka maka masuklah kami ke resto ini.

Dekorasi dan desain interior resto ini seperti gabungan antara barn dan restaurant. Berasa kayak di TV yang rumahnya di tengah-tengah lahan sawah. 

Saya memesan Herb Chicken Steak dan salah satu teman saya memesan burgernya. Mengingat ketika saya datang itu tempatnya sepi, sayangnya saya harus menunggu cukup lama sampai makanan disajikan, antara 15 sampai 25 menit. Salah satu aspek yang harus diperbaiki. Untuk herb chicken steak nya menggunakan paha ayam tanpa tulang dan disajikan dengan sayuran, kentang goreng, dan mushroom sauce. Sayuran, kentang, dan ayamnya lumayan enak. Tidak overcooked sehingga sayurannya masih crunchy, kentangnya garing, dan ayamnya juicy. Hanya sausnya saja yang saya kurang suka karena tidak creamy. Andai saja creamy, pasti saya kasih bintang 5 untuk rasa. Yang burger ukurannya lumayan besar, disajikan dengan salad dan kentang goreng. Saya coba saladnya saja dan itu cukup enak.

Menu yang dipesan: Herb Chicken Steak

Tanggal kunjungan: 16 Juli 2015
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil yelya kurniawan

27 Review

Level 4

No Badge


Chinese food halal yg enak di gd. Serpong

Restauran ini ada di dlm komp. Eat & Chat, dimana selain My Mom's Bistro, ada bbrp rest. lain, dan My Mom's bersebelahan dgn Hakata Ikkousha Ramen. Tmptnya bersih, nyaman dgn pelayanan yg baik & cepat.
Disini ada menu chinese food dan western food. Kebetulan saya selalu pesan chinese food setiap kali berkunjung ke rest. ini karena cocok dengan rasa masakannya. Porsi dengan harganya pun sesuai. Buat keluarga yg dtg bersama anaknya yg msh balita, tersedia pojok anak2 untuk bermain, membaca buku cerita. 

Menu yang dipesan: Ayam goreng My Mom's, Soun goreng seafood, Mun Tahu

Tanggal kunjungan: 12 April 2015
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!

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