Review Pelanggan untuk Butler’s Steak
Steak line from GF Culinary
oleh Cynthia Tan, 25 November 2022 (2 tahun yang lalu)
2 pembaca berterima kasih
First time nyobain Butler's Steak yg di Chillax Sudirman. The staffs are really helpful karena pada saat itu udah ada temen yang duluan sampai dan the staff is showing me the way to my friend. And so, I ordered Butler's steak for main dish and Beef Bacon & Cheese Croquette as my starter.
Butler's steak : 9/10
I can feel the smokiness and the tenderness of the meat. 100% sure the quality of the meat is very well and they cook it really nicely and precise (karena kemarin mintanya medium well). Mushroom sauce is okay and have a bit of smokiness taste as well.
Beef Bacon & Cheese Croquette : 8/10
I love the melty-creamy feeling I get when I first taste the beef croquette. The salad around it is really fresh too.
Menu yang dipesan: Butler's steak, Beef Bacon & Cheese Croquette
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000