Review Pelanggan untuk Kimukatsu

Not That Special

oleh Lastia @tasteintrip, 30 Januari 2019 (sekitar 6 tahun yang lalu)

Foto Makanan di Kimukatsu

Cheese Beef Katsu

Foto Makanan di Kimukatsu

Cheese Beef Katsu

Cheese Beef Katsu (ala carte)
Sebenarnya rasanya enak, juicy dan gak berminyak. Tapi tampilannya sangat beda dari menu. Sempet kaget waktu menu ini sampai ke meja, ternyata keciiiil untuk harga IDR 57K. Pas diangkat, katsunya flaky jadi hancur.

Piyo Piyo Menchi
Chicken meatball wrap soft-boiled egg & then fried. The meatball was very tasty, egg was OK & the savory taste was there. Like it very much! Nutupi kekecewaan akan beef katsunya.

Spicy Salmon Roll
I am a big fan of sushi salmon and I think this roll was quite delicious but not special.

It makes me wonder, why after so many good reviews the KoKas outlet, Kimukatsu Lippo Mall Kemang hasn't received the same reviews yet? I'll try at KoKas outlet tho, someday, but not sure at this outlet again :)

Foto lainnya:

Foto Makanan di Kimukatsu
Foto Makanan di Kimukatsu

Menu yang dipesan: Cheese beef katsu, Piyo Piyo Menchi, Spicy Salmon Roll

Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000

Makasih Infonya!




Kemang Village (Lippo Mall Kemang), Lantai 3
Jl. Pangeran Antasari, Kemang, Jakarta Selatan

Rata-rata: 4.1


Foto Profil Lastia @tasteintrip

5 Review

1 Makasih