Review Pelanggan untuk Sepiring Padang
Grabbed their food for takeaway, i ordered this paket named paket mantap if i am not mistaken. It includes sayur nangka, kuah and sayur singkong together with rice with a selection of chicken or beef plus a side such as kentang balado (my pick) and more as the option. It also includes a pack of teh botol sosro.
I picked daging rendang with another extra charge, the only selection with no extra charge is chicken. They have a very nice packaging, everything is packed seperately from the rice as you can see from the photo i uploaded.
I ordered extra sambal merah and bumbu rendang with additional charge as well. Everything else is charged afterwards.
Taste is just standard, for me who likes to eat nasi padang. Their food has nothing special, i asked the staff to pick a tender daging rendang, but i got an extremely hard to cut and chew beef instead. Kentang balado also hard to chew, undercooked.
It was a bit pricey for the price i have paid for a nasi padang which such quality they offer.
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Menu yang dipesan: sayur nangka, Singkong, Kentang Balado, Paket mantap, rendang daging
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000