Review Pelanggan untuk Pizza Hut Ristorante

Great pizza

oleh liviacwijaya, 30 November 2015 (sekitar 9 tahun yang lalu)

Foto Makanan di Pizza Hut Ristorante
Foto Makanan di Pizza Hut Ristorante


The room was a little bit small compared to Karawaci's branch. Their signature was red sofas. Yellowish lighting.


We ordered four of their promo's menu that day, includes two Apple Lemonade. The drinks were just refreshing! Sour and sweet at the same time with a little bit of sodas. Their Caesar Beef Fusilli was okay, not bad but not that good either. Light in taste, they use salad toppings for the sauce. Which made this pasta taste more like a salad to me. Their Tor-tel-lini soup were quite delightful. My first fork just caught its mozzarella, stretched out long enough to make me had to cut it with the spoon. Yum.

Their pizza were just delightful of course. The cheese were yummy! the dough were great and the topping is just tasty.


Not bad for the service. Pizza Hut was one of the restaurants that trained their servers to a standard rule like bow, use friendly tone, use uniform, one server per table, and such.

Foto lainnya:

Foto Makanan di Pizza Hut Ristorante
Foto Makanan di Pizza Hut Ristorante

Menu yang dipesan: Apple lemonade, caesar beef fusilli, tor tel lini, super supreme pizza

Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000

Makasih Infonya!


Pizza Hut Ristorante

Summarecon Mall Serpong, Lantai Ground, Downtown Walk
Jl. Gading Serpong Boulevard, Gading Serpong, Serpong, Tangerang

Rata-rata: 3.8


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