Review Pelanggan untuk Hygge Signature

🌳Cafe Hits di BSD🌳

oleh Jason Andrew, 12 Maret 2022 (hampir 3 tahun yang lalu)

4 pembaca berterima kasih ( Makasih terbanyak)

Foto Makanan di Hygge Signature
Foto Eksterior di Hygge Signature

Cafe Exterior

Jadi sabtu kemarin i came to Hygge, just visiting karena sering banget liat orang foto foto ke sini πŸ“Έ, terus pas liat online, banyak juga yang post about their various type of menu, yang make me interested to try!

They serve many types of menus including breakfast menu, lunch menu, dessert, and beverages πŸ˜‰ im trying to try each of their menus πŸ‘ So here's what i ordered:

1. Spaghetti Al Nero 🍝 (95k) ⭐️ 3/5
Spaghetti with squid ink, i thought the taste would be great, but I'm surprised because it was spaghetti with tomato sauce, it wasn't bad but not good too πŸ™ƒ

2. Chicken Pesto with PenneπŸƒ (85k) ⭐️3,5/5
This chicken pesto taste was great, I'm shocked with the chicken taste, it was great, the penne was standard ✌🏻

3. Potato Tater Tots πŸ₯” (50k) ⭐️4,5/5
This is great, besides standard tater tots it served with bacon and a spicy sauce as a topping. It taste great, the tater tots also so crunchy! Love this 😍

4. Classic Waffle πŸ§‡ (40k) ⭐️3,5/5
Actually it was good, but i think they served it when its not too hot, so the butter at the top didn't melt when it is being eaten. 😌 But it was still okay πŸ‘

5. Lily in the Pot 🐣 (60k) ⭐️4,1/5
This was so unique! It served with a pot, with several ducks as a decoration 🐀. It was actually a combination of lychee and yakult, served with a mix of fruits 🍎

6. Ice Long Black β˜•οΈ (38k) πŸ₯² I didn't drink this, because I don't drink coffee, but my friends enjoy it πŸ˜…

Overall makanannya masih enak, walaupun sebenernya better makan desserts sama beveragenya mungkin daripada main dish πŸ‘ Tapi the best part nya sih ambience nya yang super enak, comfy, but still warm and elegant 🀩

Foto lainnya:

Foto Eksterior di Hygge Signature
Foto Makanan di Hygge Signature
Foto Eksterior di Hygge Signature
Foto Makanan di Hygge Signature
Foto Makanan di Hygge Signature
Foto Makanan di Hygge Signature
Foto Makanan di Hygge Signature
Foto Interior di Hygge Signature

Menu yang dipesan: ice long black, Lily In The Pot, Chicken Pesto With Penne, Potato Tater Tots, chicken pesto, All Foods I Ordered, Spaghetti Al Nero, Classic waffle, Tater Tots

Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000

Makasih Infonya!
4 pembaca berterima kasih.


Hygge Signature


Upper West Experience Center
Jl. BSD Raya Utama, BSD, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan

Rata-rata: 4.0


Foto Profil Jason Andrew

6 Review

12 Makasih