Review Pelanggan untuk Moon Chicken
Finger-Licking Good
oleh @bondtastebuds , 02 Maret 2021 (hampir 4 tahun yang lalu)
1 pembaca berterima kasih
Moon Chicken is one of the products of Hangry. Having the tagline 'flavors of the galaxy', Moon Chicken really does have an abundance of flavors to try from (though I'm doubtful if Moon chicken really has every flavors from the galaxies known to human kind).
We had their Honey Garlaxy and Big Bang flavored wings a few days ago. I have to say that their creative team managed to churned out interesting names for the flavors, so 5 stars for their wittiness.
Moon Chicken came in a unique packaging. When you open the box, you'll see the wings are divided according to the flavors and were marked with a 'mini flag' (as if they were conquered and marked).
The wings were smothered in thick sticky sauce. Trust me, you'll get your hands dirty if you eat the wings properly. Honey Garlaxy flavor was my favorite, the honey mustard sauce (I assume) was a great combination for the wings.
Moon chicken turned out has managed to make our light dinner an interesting one.
- Cheers!
IG: @bondtastebuds
#BondEats #SeketikaLapar #ChickenWings
Foto lainnya:
Menu yang dipesan: honey garlaxy, Big bang
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000